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I heard my mom and Sky talking down stairs. I forgot for a second where I was and who I was in bed with. I went to climb out of bed and rolled on top of a very sexy Jax. "Mmmm sweetheart" he said as he grabbed my waist kissing my forehead. Then the door flew open ..." Mommy Daddy get up breakfast is ready...uncle Jax your home" good thing the guys was covered up because they both was naked. She came running to me and Jax." Mommy why are you laying on Uncle Jax?" She bounced in the middle of the bed. Xavi opened his eyes and I just smiled at him like I was caught doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing?  "Daddy mommy is laying on Uncle Jax squishing him make her get off NOW Daddy" he laughed at her and how serious she was. He made sure he was covered and picked Sky up and put her behind him then grabbed me and pulled me off of Jax. All of us was laughing so hard.  I got up and told Sky let's go see what was for breakfast and daddy and uncle Jax would be down in a minute. As I was walking out I looked back to two gorgeous men smiling. 
We got down stairs and my mom had breakfast done. " Man Cat these guys now how to shop."  I just giggled . I seen her eye shoot up to the 2 sexy men walking down the stairs. " Oh Jax your home" she said  looking at me with a weird look on her face. Xavi came behind me hugging me "good morning beautiful" kissing me on my forehead. " Sleep well?" He said like I didn't sleep in the same bed as him last night. Then " grammy momma was laying on Uncle Jax squishing him and daddy had to get her off of him."  Hearing come from my 6 year old sounds kinda bad.  I got that look from my mom again. "Is there something i should know Catalina?" I knew i was in trouble she called me Catalina. Xavier caught onto it also " uh oh somebody's in trouble Catalina" he said trying no to laugh . " No momma there is nothing you should know , nothing is going on?" I giggle looking up at Jax giving me that sexy ass grin . 

"Momma why was you in bed with Daddy and uncle Jax?" Sky asked as she ate her bacon. I wasn't sure how to answer her.  How do you tell a 6 year old that  her momma  was in love with her daddy and her uncle Jax. Then it hit me I can't be messing around with them. I can't let my daughter see her mother being a whore.  Xavier heard her ask me and he told her " Mommy was having a sleepover with daddy and uncle Jax and she fell asleep watching a movie like you did."  He explained for me.  " Oh ok daddy are you and mommy going to get married?" she asked climbing in his lap.  " I don't know Baby girl"   he said  " Well daddy I think uncle Jax should marry my mommy because he has loved her since he was 13 years old that's a long time huh Daddy"  I just look at her then put my face in my hands  then I hear my momma " well how about this how about momma marries both daddy and uncle Jax because they both love her. " I hear Jax and Xavi growl and Mmmm  as I yell " MOMMA hush dang it." Truth is I wouldn't mind having both... well that's not gonna happen.
"I'm taking Sky with me today shopping so you guys can figure out what you guys are doing."  My mom tells us.  

Xavier's phone starts ringing  he takes out of his pocket and walks out of the room. My mom and Sky already left so it was just me and Jax left in the kitchen.  We was talking about different things and he walk up to me. He picked me up putting me on the counter.  "Cat you know I want you so bad ... the both of us want to be with you if you couldn't already tell."  I didn't know what to say so I just put my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me.  I licked my bottom lip.  "Sunshine please don't do that"  I did it again just to be mean . He grabbed a handful of my hair " you are about to see a side of me that will make you wet your panties so bad you will have to wring them out twice." OMG that was the most sexiest thing .... yep need to go wring them out now. He pulled me off of the counter and turned me around facing it. He grabbed my hair again bending me over the counter pulling my head back. He pressed his hard cock against my ass " Now Little girl when Daddy tells you not to do something  are you gonna do it?"  he said as he pressed his lips on my neck breathing his hot breath in my ear and moving his hips back and forth rubbing against my ass.  "No Daddy" i whispered he turns me around and Kisses me really rough.  His hand slides down my side and the down my shorts " Hmmm your so wet Sweetheart " He said to me before he grabbed my pussy ...." This is mine and Xaviers "  He moves my panties to the side and rubs my clit. I let out a loud moan throwing my head back that's when I felt Xavier hand grabbing my head and pulling it to him..." Hmm I love what I walked in on."  He hovers his lips over mine " you are so fucking sexy with my boyfriends hand down your pants. MMM tell me Catalina is he playing with my pussy good? "    I was so close to cumming I felt it in my stomach " Yes Sir " I answer before he smashed his lips to mine.  I feel Jax moving his finger to my entrance slipping it inside of me. His fingers are so big... " HMM Baby I'm not going to be able to fuck her until you open her up for me... she is so fucking tight just like the night   she gave herself to me.... " I didn't understand did he grow down there? He took my hand and rubbed it on his very hard cock.  I gasped ... that's why it hurt the night I left he did grow.  Fuck I'm in trouble.  I start breathing heavier  " Oh god .... I'm gonna cum" my moaned   " It's not god's finger fucking you its Daddy's and he seems to be doing a good job huh  Catalina "   I shook my head yes.... " I need to hear your answer little one and you better not cum until he says you are allowed do you understand?"   I look him in his eyes then Jax's  " Yes Sir"  Xavier pulled my shorts down along with my panties and Jax pulled his hand away I was so ready I felt if Jax said something I would cum so hard. Jax puts me back on the counter and takes my shirt off then my bra..... " You are more beautiful then I remember ...." They just stared at me I felt like I was on display .  Jax returned his hand sliding his finger back inside of me.  I look at him begging with my eyes .... he bent down " Cum for me Catalina" as he shoved his tongue in my hole  as I exploded all in his mouth.... I was trying to calm down as i opened my eyes the 2 most sexiest men was standing in front of me making out. " Mmmm fuck that's fucking so hot I might cum again watching you 2....."   They pull away from each other and Xavier said " I wanted to taste you also"   

After I got cleaned up and dressed I am sandwiched between them. " Sunshine we have to go take care of something  out of town for a few days"  Jax tells me as he pushed my hair out of my face.  " Oh ok I will tell Sky, can she call you tonight?"  I felt a knot in my throat  " We will tell Sky Baby before we leave.. and of course she can call us and so can you "  I'll leave the car keys with you to the BMW and of course I want you 3 to stay here if you want. "   Jax seen my eyes and whipped the tear away saying " Sweetheart it's only a couple of day's  we will be back ."  

"ok you promise ?"

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