For Her

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"Please Stop running in the house Skylar Rose you are gonna fall and bust your head open." I can't believe she is fixing to be 6 years old next week. I have been trying to plan her birthday party this weekend. It is just so hard. I got promoted to SR.PA at the firm I have been with since I got here. That's where I met Marcus. He came in as a client about 3 years ago. things were going ok until about 4 months ago when Sky asked about her Daddy and I told her about him. Marcus walked in the middle of me telling her. I don't understand why he got mad. At least he waited until Sky was in her room to hit me. Now it has turned into an almost everyday thing. Last week I couldn't go to work because of my face being busted up pretty bad.

We have 2 days until the party. Sky is running around the house like she always does, she is a very happy little girl. I thank the lord above every day for her. She has changed my life so much. I hear Marcus yell at Sky to stop running. Of course, she doesn't, I hear a smack and then my baby crying. I have never hit my baby. I run to her and ask her what happened.

"mommy Marcus hit me " she cries out to me. I tell her to go to her room and pack a small bag of her toys

I go to Marcus knowing what is going to happen next. I asked him why he hit my baby. All I got from him was a fist to the face. He started yelling about how my bastard kid never listens and he just kept hitting me over and over. He finally stopped and walked out telling me how worthless of a mother I am. I heard the front door shut and his truck leave.

I got up with my face full of blood and bruises. I went to my baby's room and packed as many clothes as I could then going to my room and packing my things. I took all the money out of the safe and got online and closed my checking account. I transferred my money to Sky's account. Marcus didn't know about that account.

"momma where we going " My baby looked up to me and asked

"We are going to meet your grandma " she just looked at me and smiled

I have nowhere else to go so we are going home. I didn't even change my clothes or anything. We got in the SUV that I have had since I turned 17 and I started driving to my mom's. I drove for 3 hours until we finally reach my home town. I am feeling weak but I only have a little bit more to go. We pull down my Momma's rode. I see a lot of cars parked on the road. I pull in to my Momma's yard. I go to get out of my truck and everything went by black...

"Cat sweetheart please wake up."

Why does that voice sound familiar?

"Mommy please wake up mommy please ..." I hear my baby cry out.
I open my eyes and see Xavier holding my daughter.

" Put her down don't touch my baby."
I yell out trying to get up but all I do is fall back into a pair of very large arms. I look at who it's " Get off of me let me go" I scream Jax

Xavier leans down to me with my baby still in his arms. She is laying her head on him hugging him. " Cat sweetheart we aren't going to hurt you... What happened baby who did this to you?"

Jax stands up and picks me up and he carries me inside of Xavier's house and takes me to a room that smelled like a man's cologne.
" Where's my baby Jax?"
"Xavier's got her. How old is she Cat?"
" You don't get to ask me anything, Jax... Not after what you did to me" I yell at him and try to get up to just fall back down.
" Cat please calm down .... We need to talk about who did this to you. Did your baby see this happen to you?"
" It's not different than what you did to me it doesn't matter I need to get to my baby and get out of here." " Ok I'll take you to her." he picks me and carries me to my baby. We walked into the living room and I stand there and watch my daughter play with her father and she don't even know it. . " She's his ain't she?" Jax whispered in my ear. I turn and look at him. My look told him what he thought he wanted to hear.
" Cat I'm sorry," Jax said as he walked away with his head down.
"Mommy look at what Xavier gave me."
" Skylar, did you tell him thank you, sweetie?"
"Yes mommy"
"Good girl now tell Mr. Xavier bye we need to go see your grandma and mommy needs to get cleaned up."

Ring ring.....


" Marcusyou do not need yoworry aboutw herea mhere I am. It's over between us the moment you put your hands on my daughter asshole."

I hang up the phone and I hear .. " He touched my daughter" I turned and seen Xavier walking to me. " She is not your daughter Xavier she is mine"
"Come on Sky let's go please baby girl mommy hurts"
Xavier walks over to me he cups my face and looks at me. " Please let me help you. Let me help our daughter."
I just look up at him. No one has ever helped me I have raised my daughter by myself.
I turn and walk away and I see Jax standing there looking at me. Our eyes meet. As I grab my baby hand and walk out the door.

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