Gettin home

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I don't know how much longer I can stand being here. I pray he does not touch me.  He has been on the phone for a while now.  I can hear bits a pieces of his conversation. It sounds like his partner is in trouble  or something.  
"So it looks like your husband has caught on to Amber , She has always been messy."
Thank god Jaxson has got her hopefully he can get her to tell him where I am.  I need to be home with my girls. I don't know how much longer I can hold the tears back.


" Cat baby let's go to the park some of the guys are gonna be there"  Jax yelled out to me as I was brushing my hair
" Oh I love your hair, wrapped around my hand..."
"Jax do you really love me ?"
"Baby you know I do I always will"
" Even though other girls are prettier and skinnier than me?"
" Come on baby you know you are my world now let's get going .... Xavier waiting for us."

I love that he is not ashamed of me. He lets everyone know he loves me. I overheard him telling Xavier is best friend that he was gonna marry me one day.
We got to the park and Xavier had one of his pretty girls on his arm like always.  I sat on the swing while Jax walked to meet Xavier " Hey man you still with her huh.... She must be good in bed " Xavier said laughing staring at . 
"Man you know it ..... I'll marry her one day she is a wonderful chick ... "  

Jax came over and got me " Baby why you always gotta be alone.. please come hang with us." 

" You wanna marry me Jaxson?'" 
"Of course I do Catalina , I love you"

Flashback Over 

 All I can do is remember the great memories I have with my guys and children right now.  I think this is gonna be the end. I can't fight no more. Me and my baby are gonna die here.  I should have told Ryan when I found out.  I know Jax and Xavier will take good care of my girls and I hope they will never forget me.  I am getting weaker and weaker each time he hits me.  I just want it to end.  I don't understand what stated this. If it wasn't because of Marcus I would have never came back and Amber could have been with Jax.  No one would have ever known about my Sky.  


" Cat you don't get it you aren't what I want anymore. You are to fat for me"  He told me pulling Amber closer to him. " I should have left you a long time ago"
" You said you wanted to marry me Jax" I cried out to him as he left with her.

I sat in my front yard crying my eyes out I can't believe I fell for his lies.

" What's wrong Cat? Why are you out here where's Jax" Xavier asked as he sat down in the grass next to me.
" He is with his new girlfriend Amber"  He wrapped his arm around me and made everything better for me that night. 

Flashback over

The blood is running from my head pretty bad.  I know it won't be to much longer and my eyes will close.  Right when I felt the pain take over my body I heard Ryan ....
" Where is she motherfucker?"

Ryan's  POV

We pulled up to a house that looked abandoned. There was a car in the driveway.  Jax and Xavier jumped out pulling their guns out.  I already had mine out. I reached the door and it was locked. I had the guys break it down.  I walked in and it smelled like pure death.  We searched every room.  I busted open the last door and there stood the motherfucker. 
"WHere is she motherfucker?"   He laughed at me " What you the dick of the week" He moved and that's when I seen her.  I yelled for Jax to come get her.  Xavier walked up behind me..." Go get Cat I got him" 5 seconds later I heard Xavier yell " That is my fucking wife ... you put your nasty hands on"  Then BANG BANG BANG  I turned and looked at him and he had blood on his face and chest.  Me and Jax untied Cat  She was barely holding on.  There was so much blood. 
"My Baby" she whispered out trying to move her hand to her stomach. 
"Oh god she is pregnant " Jax yelled out so Xavier could hear him. 

We rushed her to the hospital. I carried her in and Jax told them what happened . He took her to a room.  We had to wait in the hallway. 
" Did she tell y'all she was pregnant ? " Xavier asked Me and Jax
" She told me she wanted one more a couple of weeks ago but she didn't say anything about it after that" Jax said rubbing his head They both looked at me . 
" Oh shit babe it is your baby Ryan" Xavier said grabbing me wrapping his arms around me .  I felt like I was dying inside. I was trying to hold back the tears. 
If anything happens to my lover I will die.  

The doctor came out and asked to talk to her husband.  Jax said told him that all 3 of us was her husband's.  He began to tell us that she is pretty banged up.  As for the baby, it is a fighter like her momma.  Jax asked how far along she was and he said from the looks of it she is almost 4 months a long.  When he did the ultrasound she seemed to be in pretty good health. 
" SO its a girl?" I was finally able to say. 
" You must be the father" He said  I just stood there and nodded . 
" Well guys she is awake and is in pain but she wants to see you." 

I walked in first and she started crying again. She held her stomach I walked to her and grabbed  her in my arms. " She ok baby our little girl is ok" She cried into my chest. " I thought I was going to lose her " 

We was able to take Cat home a couple of hours later.  My mom is keeping the girls overnight for us.  I told her about Cat having another little girl and when she asked who's it was and I told her her response was " I knew I would have a bio grandbaby one day." My mom loves the girls so much.   

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