My love

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I drove away from the house where I just killed a man for threatened my children. I watched the trucks leave and follow me. Right behind me was Jaxson then looked like Xavier and Ryan.  I get to the house Jax pulls right behind me. He got out of the truck and ran after me. He picked me up " You can't go in there with that  blood on you" he put me down and took his shirt off and gave it to me. I watched Xavi and Ryan walk up. I pulled my shirt off well Xav's off right in the front yard. Jax and Xavier was about to flip out and i laughed as i put Jax shirt on. " I have a bra on guys dang"  I walk in to the house like nothing happened.
"Momma where you go?" Sky ran to me
" Momma had to take care of something I'm home now. But I need to take a shower"
I walked up stairs and heard 3 sets of footsteps behind me. I get to our room and they all came in with me.
"Cat we need to talk baby" Xavier tells me as I grab my clothes to change in to after I get out of the shower.
" What do we need to talk about Daddy?"
" Uh about what you did today"
" I took care of a problem that needed to be dealt with."
" Baby we would have taking care of it" Ryan tells me as he sits in the chair in the corner. Jax is not to happy he is acting the towards me. I ain't gonna lie this motherfucker is fine as hell. Boy let me tell you if Xav and Jax fuck up I'm so gonna fuck him.
" Umm earth to Cat .... " Jax says being a smart ass
" What... I'm fine he wanted to hurt my babies I wasn't having it"
Xavier just sat on the bed with his head tilted to the side. I noticed where he was looking. It wasn't at Jax or me. He was looking at the same man I could stare at all day and night. What the hell is going on.
" Well I'm going to go take a shower , y'all need a shower to." I say walking in the bathroom
"Let's save water and hop in with her" I heard Ryan say... I kind hope he was playing around but then again I hope he wasn't.

Xavier POV

I think Cat seen me looking at Ryan. I know I shouldn't but he is something else. Not only his looks but his personality and he gets along with Cat really good and is amazing with Cat. He tries  to put Jax in his place but Jax is Jax he does what he wants no matter.
"Let's save water and shower her" he said
I laughed.. "ok if you can get past Jax you can shower with her"  Jax held his big arm up and almost clotheslined him.  " Not today big boy She's mine right now"  He turns and walks in the bathroom with Cat.  I sit on the bed ... " I guess I'll go take a shower in another bathroom..."  I start to walk out knowing they need their time together.  I stop short and Ryan runs right in to me.." Well Boss if you want me to ram you that bad just ask and well we might be able to work something out" he said as he smack my ass. It felt weird because i have never been attracted to another male besides Jax.

Jax's POV

I walked into the bathroom and stood there and watched the woman that I have hurt and she still loves me.  I feel her drifting away from me I need to make thing better for us again.  I watch her leaning on the shower wall with her rested on her arm , her other arm is holding her belly with my child growing inside. She is so beautiful . I hear her whimper I knew right then i needed to hold her in my arms.  I took my pants off and slowly opened the door. She turned to me and fell in to my chest " Oh Jax he said he was gonna kill our baby" She cried out to me as i wrapped my arms around her  " Baby nobody is gonna hurt our babies or you " The water runs over us she feels perfect in my arms. 

 I remember when I was younger I thought the same thing but I let other people ruin it for me I thought I wanted the skinny pretty girls on my arm. I knew what me and Xavier were becoming and I wanted to act the role of the bad boy with the pretty little thing.  It's funny Xavier wanted her to be on his arm as he became the appointed leader. He knew she was a strong woman and boy is she ever. I would never believe she could kill a man but she did. For our children.  We was so happy together back then. I want that back. 

I washed her body and she washed mine kiss of course in between.  We got out and dried each other off. We didn't say anything , we just knew what each other needed. Climbing in bed she snuggled up against my naked body with her naked body.  " Yes Jaxson I will marry you and Xavier."  She just made me the happiest man in the world. I pulled her on top of me and her face went to my neck kissing me. We made love . I didn't want to let her up but I know we need to go be with Sky right now. 


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We walked out of our room and see Xavier and Ryan coming from I guess it's Ryan's room now. Both smiling they didn't see us as we walked hand and hand with Cat leaning her head on my arm.  " I think they did something together " she whispered and giggled I just looked down to her and kissed her then picked her up " Jaxson Mason you're gonna break your back and I heard them laughing behind us.  Someone smacked my ass "hey that's mine" Xavier said then I knew then it was Ryan..... What the fuck .. oh well .  

Momma was in the kitchen getting the rest of dinner ready " uh Cat all 5 pans or done and i made a big salad I think it's ready."  We all went and sat in the main dining room.  Xavier sat at the head and I on one side of him and Ryan sat on the other.  Cat was pulled in to Xavier lap.  Momma and Sky sat next to me then the rest of the guys.  I feel like we have a home not just a house anymore.  

" Ok guys something happened today "

Xavier began to say and looked at Sky and Momma 

" Catalina protected her family  in a way only she could. ..... Catalina I have something to ask you... Will you please do all of us the honor and stand beside me Jaxson and Ryan and help us take care of the business. We need a strong female like you."  he asked her pulling her closer to him.  

" Yes Xavi I will stand beside my husbands" She said smiling at me.  Xavier looked at her with a surprised look .... " She said yes to marrying us also Xavi" I said 

" REALLY YOU WILL MARRY US CATALINA " He yelled standing up with her in his arms and spinning kissing her  

" Hey now be careful my baby is in there " I say laughing  as he pulled me up to them. 

"My mommy is gonna marry my daddy we are gonna be a real family now" Sky yelled out as i picked her up off of mama's lap.  " Uncle Jax does that mean your my daddy to now?" Before I could even say anything Xavier said "Yes Baby you and your little brother or sister have 2 daddy's"

All the guys was clapping and cheering for us.  Ryan came and hugged us and went to walk away " Put me down" Cat told xavi she ran to Ryan and grabbed his hand " where are you going Uncle Ryan" putting his hand on her belly  he just looked at her and smiled. " You are a part of my family you can't leave us"  she drug him back over to the table with us.  She is amazing. 

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