my bad bears

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It is so wonderful to have Jax home. I didn't realize how much he really meant to me. I mean I love him and I have spent the past 5 years showing him. He was all I had after Cat left. Then when he was in the coma because of the wreck it killed me. I think that's why I couldn't really be with him this time. Plus I knew he had Catalina by his side. He is getting stronger everyday. I think is helping a lot that Cat Sky and her momma moved in. I know they only lived next door but it's not the same as waking up to my baby girl yelling at her momma. Like this morning Sky was having one of her melt downs over the bacon. It got so bad that I had to get up and come down stairs and raise my voice. I hated that I had to do that because she started crying. It broke my heart so bad that I had to go back to our room. I just sat on the edge of the bed trying not to wake up Jax. " Babe.. you know you have to put your foot down sometimes. It's not going to hurt her as much as you think" I heard him say in his low husky voice " I sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I say as I turn to rub his leg. Then I hear a little knock on the door. " Come in Jax yells.. " good morning uncle Jax" my princess said " Daddy I'm sorry I was yelling at my mommy I know I shouldn't have done that" she hugged me and a little tear came out " baby I'm not gonna say it's ok because it's not but I do forgive you Sky, did you apologize to momma?" I asked looking into her bright green eyes. It's like looking in to a mirror when I look at her. Cat couldn't lie about who her daddy is and I sure and the hell couldn't have denied her. " Yes Daddy I did, grammy is taking me to school today also. I love you daddy have a good day" she said climbing down off my lap she then walks to the side of the bed Jax is laying on " I love you too uncle Jax maybe we can go to the park again soon if you feel better." He hugged her and said of course anything for his princess. She ran out of the room. "Damn she is my heart babe. " Jax said sitting up, he growled in pain a little.

" Hey sleepy head" Cat said walking in and causing Jax to jump. She giggled and kissed him on the forehead" maybe one day you will stop jumping when I speak to you." She went to the dresser and got Jax's medicine " are you hurting care bear?" He tried to tell her no and I told her when he sat up he growled. She then got him his pain medicine also. He was eyeballing her the whole time. She had a pair of his boxers on and my wife beater. " I think those boxer look better on you than me" he said rubbing his hand up her thigh. "Well they would look better on the floor actually" he said as he pulled them. She laughed and called him a bad boy. She just stepped out of them. She went to crawl over him to get back in bed and he stopped her making her straddled him. I turned music on, and Cat started moving her hips to the beat of the song. " Hmm I think this should be my song ' I like him and i like too ' "she sang pointing at us. " I want him and I want him too " " He my man he my boo" She was driving Jax crazy. " You need to stop that sweetheart" She didn't listen to what he said and continued moving her hips on him. Then I seen the look on his face I knew what was fixing to happen. He looked up at her and rubbed his hand up her back to her head. He then grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back " Now little girl we have been through this once. When I tell you to stop doing something you stop or else you will get punished .... do you want your ass smacked little one?" I could tell she was enjoying this. She moaned then answered him " No Daddy I won't do it no more I'm sorry" He look at me and I was waiting from him to tell me what to do. My Jax is back I haven't seen him truly like this in years . From what he told me she was his sub before. He wants to make her his sub again and i don't see that being a problem. He still has her hair in his grip. " Now little girl I want you to tell me who you belong to" he demands her to tell him. I see the big smile on her face as her hands rest on his chest.." I belong to you and Xavier Daddy" he must have pulled her hair a little harder because she whimpered out loud.

"This little one has a problem with her hips Xavier " He sat up to where he was close to her face.." Get off of me .... You are going to learn today what you have been doing to me and Xavier for the past 4 months .... " She slowly got off of him and crawled on to the bed. " take of fyour clothes sweetheart I want to see all of you." God she is so beautiful. she took her clothes off and sat there on her knees looking down.I looked down at her hands they rested on her thighs palms up. "Xavi babe what should we do with this little one?" I moved behind her pressing my hard cock into her back. " Hmmm I think she needs to be taught lesson" I heard her gasp. Jax gets up on his knees in front of her. " I will take it easy on you today. Only because I want to feel your body under mine" he told her causing her to look up at him. He nodded to me. I knew that i was allowed to touch her now. I moved he hair to the side and started kissing her neck "mmmm" she let out. " Lay down for me baby I want to taste you beautiful" I whisper in her ear. she looked up to Jax to make sure she was allowed to. Damn she is perfect.... and just to think she has been this way since before we was messing around when we was kids. I would have made her mine then. Jax had her lay in his lap which I thought was sexy as hell. I hovered over her kissing her lips moving to her ample breasts. Sucking and licking my way down to her soaked pussy " Mmmm Babe she is so wet... I bury my face in her nice and juicy pussy and her hips start rocking against my tongue .... " Daddy he is making me want to cum... Can I please cum?" She whines to Jax... I look up at him and nod to him I am ready to have her explode so I can slide my hard cock in her to get her ready for his huge cock... " AHHH Ohhh Xavier you are so making me cum.... awww " she came so hard her body shook in pure pleasure. I let her finish then I climbed up in between her legs. My hard cock rest against her opening. Jax leaned to me and we kissed over her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in to her. She gasped and arched her back... oh she was so tight. Still kissing Jax I began moving my hips in to her. Her eyes never left from watching me and him kissing . She roamed her hands over our bodies as I picked up speed got in and out of her. She grabbed us closer to her ... " I am very close to coming " I say pulling away from Jax...." But I'm not gonna cum in her ... I want you to cum in her... I wanna see her with your child growing inside of her." I know it may be to soon but I want her to have a child for Jax so he knows the feeling only she can give him. Things changed for me when I found out I was a father. "Hmmm I love that idea Xav I want to have Daddy baby inside of me" when she said that I had to pull out and finish on her stomach. "mmmmm Daddy I want to feel you know are you ok to make love to me or do I need to be on top?" She is so caring she wants him but is still afraid of hurting him..." Sweetheart I am fine I want to make love to you.... I have waited way to long." Kissing her moving between her legs she grabs him "I love you .... I love both of you.... I am Yours ... I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN YOURS " Her eyes teared up and she gasped as he pushed inside of her... I watched as they both had tears in their eyes she grabbed him and pulled him down to her kissing him he moved his lips to her neck. "Im sorry Catalina .. I love you so much " he whispered she began crying sobbing she reached for me grabbing my face. This was very emotional for them. I have never seen him really cry the way he is now making love to her. I laid down next to them like she wanted She whispered "I'm going to cum Daddy" he looked at her and said" Me to Momma" they both let out moans then her fell on top of her. She was still crying. I do believe I just watched the to people I love create another life..well at least I hope.

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