Taking life back

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Well I had the baby 3 months ago. Stormi Rose.  She looks like Jax of course. I think I am done with having kids. Things with business is going is going good. I let Jax and Xavier take back over kind of. I still have the finally say.  When I came back here 7 years ago I never would have believed that I would be a female gang leader. A very muched feared one at that.   

Xavier is getting close with the girls. When he is not working he is spending time with them. Sky is coming around a little bit more everyday. I try not to send him on business trips. Him nor Jax. So Ryan has become my right hand.  Me and Ryan got closer also.  He is a sweetheart.  He takes care of my girls and me of course. He is afraid of pushing me to much so I have to come to him when I want some time with him.  It is different with him than with Jax. With Jax I am very submissive for him. 

I caught Xavier and Jaxson , they don't know that I caught them. It was a major turn on. I don't think I have fucked someone as hard as I fucked Ryan that night. Watching Xavier telling Jaxson to shut up and take it . I watched Jax on his knees sucking Xavier hard dick. Xavier had a hand full of Jaxson hair forcing his dick down throat. Then seeing my 6'4 manly man bent over a chair taking Xavier dick so well. Right as Xav was coming I stood outside the door and called Ryan. I knew he was behind me the whole time. I felt his cock up against me. I took him in my room. I got on my knees and swallowed his cock deep in my throat. I licked and sucked on his balls every moan made me suck harder. In no time I felt his hot jizz slide down my throat.  I pushed him on the bed climbing on top of him moving my hips grinding on his semi hard cock. I felt it getting harder forcing him inside me to grow harder. He felt so perfect in me. I came so many times. After an hour he begged me to let him cum. When I did he came so hard his body shook. I collapsed on top of him. I got off of him and we cuddled until he fell asleep. I got up to check on Stormi and Jaxson and Xavier was in the nursery. Jax smiled at me and said " damn momma I'm thinking about letting you tell me what to do in bed." I laughed and went and gave him a kiss. He tasted like Xavier "Hmmm" I moaned. I didn't realize that I was just in Ryan's shirt and I bent over in front of Xavier. "Damn it momma you making me miss you more and more flash that little pussy" he said growling at me.i stood up fast turning beet red.


I heard Cat with Ryan tonight. It drove me crazy hearing the things she was say to him.i wanted to watch but I also wanted to spend time with Xavier. I didn't realize how much I really did miss him. Cat told me she could tell. I guess you can't spend 6 years with someone and not still have feeling for them after 5 years not seeing them oh wait haha I'm funny I went 6 years not seeing Cat and was still in love with her.

"Oh yeah baby boy you like how momma fucks you don't you" she tells him.
Xavier said "damn he is getting it good huh. Is it like this every time with them 2?"
I told him no that I don't know what got in to her. Then I thought what if she saw me and him together. It was about an hour when she came into the nursery to check on Stormi. She was only wearing Ryan shirt. I seen her ass and pussy lips when she bent over a little to get me a diaper. I knew she was gonna bend over so Xavier could see. She didn't mean to but she did.
"Damn it momma you making me miss you more and more flashing me that little pussy" he growled to her. It was so sexy seeing my big bad bitch blush.  I thought to myself 'yep he will be getting him some soon' and I know he is gonna fuck the shit out of her. Just the way he fucked me 2 hours ago.
She took Stormi and put her in her crib and came back to me sitting on my lap.  She smelt like sex and Ryan , it was turning me on. " You have been a bad girl I should take you in the room and punish your ass" I whispered in her ear. She squeezed her legs together and moan.
I couldn't hold back anymore I picked her up and telling Xavier to come help me punish my whore of a wife. We got to our main bedroom I threw her on the bed she took off the shirt she was wearing and got on her knees like a good little sub. I walk to her grabbing a handful of her hair pulling her head back." You like being a whore do you?" She smiled and answered " Yes Sir Daddy" I told her to get on her hands and knees putting her ass up on the air. I watched as Xavier was rubbing his hard on. " I think you will be punished by being fuck in your ass and pussy at the same time. To bad you done fucked your play toy to sleep cause I would have fucking you sweet mouth"  She moans and wiggled her ass. I couldn't help myself I smacked it really hard making her buck up and whimpering "Oh Daddy"  I motioned Xavier to get behind her. He began teasing her with his finger.  "HMMM Jax I can feel his seed still inside of her" Xavi said shoving his fingers in and out of her. I pull her head up to face me "  You like being full of cum huh "  She looks up at me through her eyelashes " Yes Sir Daddy" I demand her to remove my cock from my pants to suck it. She does as she is told. "Xavier I want you to fuck her and I want you to show her want she has been missing." He gets that sexy as grin on his face. Cat is a master at sucking my cock right now. I can't help but to stop her. I pull myself out of her mouth as I see Xavier getting ready to enter her tight little  hole .  He takes his cock and rubs it up and down her slit teasing her,  She is moving back to him more.  He lines himself  up and slowly slides into my wife's pussy.  " Don't hold back on her she loves it nice and hard" I tell him as I take a finger and rub her tight asshole making her arch her back and moan.  He entered her slowly until he was fully inside of her.   He pulls out making her whimper as she looks back at him.  He slammed into her moving faster and harder each time.  I see the lust in her eyes for him...  "You have missed your Daddy Xavier haven't you?" I whisper to her giving her a kiss. Still holder her face to look at me " Yes Sir I have missed Daddy Xavier"   He was fucking her good and hard I can tell he missed her. He was fucking her like he fucked me earlier.  " Tell Him how much you miss him Cat."  She turned and looked in his eyes over her shoulder..." Oh I missed you so much Daddy"  He flipped over and hovered over top of her " I have miss you to Beautiful more then you ever know." She pulled him down to him and kissed him very passionately. He enter her once again. She took my cock in her hand and  what she said next surprised both me and Xavier. " Will you suck our husbands cock with me."  they have only done this once before 7 years ago we she first came back.  They both licked and sucked together kissing in between.  I could tell they both was ready to cum. I told Cat she could cum but i wanted Xavier to wait to cum with me. I wanted us to cum all over her tits and stomach. She wasted no time cumming all over his cock.  I looked him and he looked at me we both pulled out at the same time leaving her empty.  We came on her making her moan. She loved it.  We laid there for a moment of course the 3 of us making out before we went and cleaned up and got dressed. We laid and held each other drifting off to sleep.

"Really Momma" I was woken up " Now you are trying to squish my Dad" I looked over yep Cat was laying on top of Xavier. I could tell he was trying to get out of bed and he stopped her.  

We all laughed ." Daddy get momma off of Dad now before she flattened him." She said as she ran and jumped in the bed with us. Of course Ocean and River came in also.  Only one missing was Stormi and well her come Ryan with her.  We have the missing piece to our family back.

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