she's grown.

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"momma do you realize how long we habeen here with my dad's.. Her 19th birthday is coming up. I remember us driving here. You had blood dripping from your eye. Dried blood cked on your hand and chest. I was so nervous I was fixing to meet my father. When I seen dad pick up in his big muscly you was trying to fight him so hard and he just stood there.until daddy came and wrapped his arms around you and me. I knew right then you loved daddy very much.  arms. I do still to this  day love cab. very much. And have for a very long time. Although he is not my first love he is my first true love.jax is my first love. Frist in others thing as welltonight me and her father's are going to watch her be claimed by 3 ppl. Cole andAlexis . She happy that's all that matters. Ibhavevheard some things about luc though...shes got Cole and hecwontvlet anything happen to her. He deplyy loves her. I heard the foorvooen I paid no mind. "Ms. Anderson. Inhave someone for you to met. Unturned and Xavier was standing nextvto what could pass as his tein. Cat thus is rtan,candies little brother. I was shocked but. Xavier s dad did getvaround. Ryan took my hand and raisedvitvto his young warm lips. It us a honor to meetvthe inspiration behindcthis amazing club.

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