Daddy's home

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We decided to surprise the girls this morning when they woke up. Momma told them to come to wake me up. I heard them coming up the stairs so I went to nudge Jax to wake him up but he was already awake staring at me.  I smiled and snuggled into his chest. "I missed this so much Momma" he whispered in my ear.  We heard the door open and then 4 sets of feet on the wood floor.  Sky was the first one that noticed that Jax was laying in bed with me.  Ocean  And Stormi stood on the side that Jax was laying on just looking at him until River ran and jumped on the bed yelling Daddy. Stormi just crawled on the bed and laid on him.   Xavier came in from the nursery and stood next to Sky holding her close. She looked up at him and said "Are you and Daddy Jax coming home?"  
"Yes Baby all of us are coming back home to be a family again," Xavi told her as he picked her up like she was a baby and came to the bed where he was attacked by 3 other girls. Ryan went home last night so he wasn't here so I thought. I heard Rayin cooing then I saw my sexy man walk into the room. It felt so good to have my family back. 

We all made it to the kitchen where Momma made breakfast for us all. She walked behind Jax as he sat at the head of the table where he belongs hugging him and told him she missed him.  They may have had their problems with each other over what happened when we were kids but My momma loved Jax. We all talked about going on a family picnic tomorrow. Jax asked if Xavier would like to come work with him at the club so we all would have legit jobs now. He said he felt that it was time to let the crew life go. He also wanted me to maybe cut back to part-time at the office.  I was proud of my husband he actually did something to better us as a family. Yeah, he left on bad terms but I have always been able to forgive him. 

The girls haven't left their Daddy's side. Me and momma sat at the bar in the kitchen and had a very nice talk. She asked me if I was glad now that I didn't file for divorce now. I was very close, I had the papers and everything I just couldn't find myself filling them out. I loved being Mrs. Jaxson Mason. I would have loved being Mrs. Xavier Anderson but I was only married to him for a month if that before he sent me papers.  

I look up from my glass of tea to see the most amazing green eyes staring at me from across the room.  He can still make me blush 18 years later.  The day I met him, he changed my life.  I was 12 years old playing at the park with my friend when he and Xavier came over to us. I know they came over because of Ava.  Once we all started hanging out more the more Jax became into me.  I was scared at first I didn't think I was his type.  Xavier and Ava didn't work out at all.  I lost her as a friend over it all but really I don't think she was a real friend.  When I turned 14 I gave myself to Jax, Yeah I know I was young but I knew I loved him and he loved me. 
I was so lost in my memories of us I didn't realize he had walked to me. 
"Cat baby you ok?" He asked leaning down kissing me on my forehead. I had a smile on my face. I told him how I was thinking about when we were kids. "I hope you were thinking about good things."   Of course..... I told him I was thinking about the night I gave myself to him.  


We just ran to Xavier's from the park. Jax and Xavi were chasing me. I ran as fast as I could but soon Jax caught me. He grabbed me by my waist and picked me up spinning me around in the front yard. When he put me down we fell onto the grass.  We laid on our backs looking up at the stars. 
"They are so beautiful," I said 
"Not as beautiful as you Catalina," Jax said as he rolled on top of me hovering over me. He started telling me how much he loves me and how he loves every minute he spends with me.  Xavier came back out and told us his parents were gone for the night. Jax leaned down and kissed me "spend the night with me sweetheart" I looked at the look in his eyes...."OK".  We ran inside to Xavier calling one of his 'fuck' buddies as me and Jax called them. The chick didn't take long to get here.  We went up to Jax's room. He had his own room at Xavier because his parents traveled a lot for work. 
We laid on the bed like we always do but tonight he was laying on my stomach. 
"Catalina, can I taste you?"  I didn't know what he meant so I just told him yeah. The next thing I know he was pulling my shorts and panties off. I didn't try to stop him.  He kissed my stomach down to my belly button then he kissed my pussy spreading my lips. When he licked my clit I jumped. After a couple of minutes of him licking and sucking on my clit he then slid one of his fingers inside of me. I came shortly after. I pulled him up to me making him kiss me.  He reached in the nightstand and got a condom out. I looked at him with pure lust in my eyes wanting him just as much as he wanted me.  " If you want me to stop sweetheart I will " I nodded my head as I watched him slide the condom on. He lowered himself to my entrance and slowly entered me.  I felt him reach the point where there was no return.  As he pushed through I screamed he stopped and went to pull out of me and I stopped him.  "I'm ok now Jax" soon we both exploded.  We had to change the sheets. We took a shower together and held each other the whole night.

Flashback over

Jax asked me if I wanted to come to the club with him tonight?  Of course, I said yes but I had to ask momma if she would watch the girl for me.  Xavier and Ryan overheard us.  
"What's wrong with us watching the girls they are our babies also you know"  Xavier said walking up to us. He leaned into me giving me a passionate kiss. "You and Daddy need some time alone " He whispered. I smiled at him giving him a hug.  
"Oh by the way I am gonna leave tomorrow night to pack up my stuff, I should be back next weekend for good" Xavier said walking away from us. 
"It Ain't gonna take you a fucking week to come back home I will go with you to help you," Jax yelled at him. 
Then the sweetest voice got our attention " Daddy I am on summer break I can come help you." 
Xavier looked at his not-so-little girl "You know what that is a wonderful idea .... you and Daddy Jax helping me we should be back by Tuesday afternoon." 

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