Chapter 3: Changes

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Return Address:
Berg Newspapers
Stohess District

Dear Erwin,

I hope it's okay that I call you that since you seemed to have dropped the formalities in your own letter. I was anxiously awaiting your response, but don't tell anyone that. For many years I have been deeply inspired by your words in a world that can sometimes feel so cold. Once again, your words hit deeper than I could ever express.

As a journalist it's my job to be professional and in order to do this I often have to set aside my own emotions for the sake of the story. After a while, I forgot what it was like to feel something other than numbness and from outside most people would assume that my life is perfect. But in reality, I feel like I'm drowning. But, lately something feels different, like something has shifted or changed in someway. After all I did check the mail 3 times yesterday looking for your letter.

And yet, despite all these changes happening around me, a part of me feels like nothing has changed at all. In answer to your question I guess I would say I don't know if I'm okay or not. But I can say that writing this letter has felt some what therapeutic
for me, and if it's okay with you I'd love to continue writing back and forth. Perhaps almost like pen pals?

Although I must warn you I may sometimes go several weeks without writing you. My mother lives over in Hermine district and I am often needed to help care for her when she is sick.

Anyhow I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is (y/n) as you are blissfully aware, I am 24 years old and as you also know I write for Berg Newspapers and have done for the past couple of years. My father passed away when I was very young and I have no siblings. The scouts have always interested me from a young age but of course my fighting skills are not as good as that of my writing. Or at least, I like to think so.

I've included a small gift for you with this letter. I saw this at the market today and thought it might help you de-stress after a long day. I wanted to send you fresh lavender instead but it doesn't travel so well so this soap will have to do.

Write back soon


Erwin gently unwrapped the paper from the bar and stared at it for a moment.
'Soap huh' he thought to himself.
'Guess she thinks I need to wash more?' He lifted his arm into the air and sniffed.
"Knock Knock!" Said a voice as they knocked on the door to the office.
"Come in, Squad Leader Zacharias" Erwin stated as he put his arm down and placed the letter into his desk drawer.
"More papers, Commander." They saluted each other before Miche walked over to Erwins desk and placed them down.

"I'll never get through this pile will I?" Erwin sighed a little and looked them over.
"Wow, that soap smells good." Miche sniffed the air having noticed the unwrapped soap sitting on the desk.
"Ah yes. It was a gift. Although, I hate to ask...But you do have the best sense of smell of anyone in the corps. So answer me honestly. Do I smell bad?"
"What?" Miche stepped back confused by Erwins sudden question. "No. I dont think so. Why?"
"Well I assume that's why I was gifted this. Although it's concerning to me that someone I've never met would think I smell" Erwin furrowed his eyebrows and cracked his knuckles. Miche chuckled a little.
"You're joking. Right? Commander, it's lavender. It's meant to help you relax, help you sleep. They probably think you're stressed."

"Well, that's ridiculous." Erwin adjusted his position in his seat and adopted a serious expression.
"I've got lots to do. I'll get these papers back to you by tommorow"

"Alright, catch you later Commander." Miche saluted and left passing Levi on his way out.

"Ah Levi. To what do I owe the pleasure." Erwin started signing papers not looking up as Levi entered the room and sat down in a chair that was to the side.

"Tch. Don't play games with me Erwin. What's this I'm hearing about a girl." Levi's tone showed his irritation.
"You should be focused on the expedition tommorow and instead your worrying about what some fucking soap means."

"Levi..." Erwin sighed. "It's not like that. I'm more than focused. But that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to have down time. And besides aren't you the same one who keeps telling me to drink tea or punch something when I'm feeling stressed. Maybe my stress reliever is a person and not an action. Is that such a big deal?"

"That wasn't me that was Hanji and I don't care what you do. It was an observation. Don't come crying to me when it blows up in your face." Levi stood and stalked out of the room.

Erwin also stood and walked into the bathroom placing the soap on the side of the sink and then returned to his office and took the letter from his desk.
"I should probably have read this before I opened the gift." Erwin checked the clock and then put on his jacket. Opening the letter as he exited and went for yet another walk in an attempt to clear his head.

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now