Chapter 66- The Butterfly Effect

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We swung through the air my ankle throbbing as we flew. 

"Are you doing okay?" Marco asked as we went.

"I'm fine. Sorry for making you do this." I said suddenly feeling guilty for commanding him earlier. He stayed silent. Focusing on the wall ahead as we zipped to the top. 

I slipped from Marco's grasp limping to the edge and looking back towards the woodland.

"Wow. You can see so much more from up here." Marco whispered staring out over the destruction unfolding just under 50 metres below us. 

I continued to watch the forest my eyes honing in for signs of movement.  Where had he gone?

"Y/N!" Marco called out as he grabbed me and blasted away from the wall as it began to shake beneath us a plume of smoke rising from beneath where I had been standing mere moments before. I watched as the wall erupted and chunks of stone began to fly through the air. Reiner stood on the other side of the hole his body tilted in a running stance. 

Reality seemed to slow. In a split moment Marco and I were swinging to the ground, the rubble falling around us.Until, finally, we were hit by a large fragment and sent plummeting to the ground hitting it with force and rolling apart.

I covered my head with my hands the building around me shaking and being smashed into pieces by the debris.  I used a large fragment of wall to haul myself to my feet. My ankle hurting even more from the fall. Blood dripped down the side of my face from a wound above my eyebrow and I wiped at it with the back of my hand.  I stood dazed for a moment, looking around me trying to get my bearings. 

I stumbled towards Marco who had also stood up it seemed as if he'd managed to break his fall using his ODM gear so was only slightly battered. He also began to look around the only sound radiating around us was the sound of crumbling buildings and our own ragged breaths.

I turned to the in the direction of the busted wall knowing that if that was mostly south then scout hq should be a little east from where we were.

"This way!" I called to Marco beckoning him as I took off on foot. He followed close behind dodging past anything that lay in our path.

These streets weren't the most familiar to me. The buildings all looked the same to me. It was the people that made each one unique. But there was none of that now.

We continued on pushing to get to Scout HQ to help. Clearly we had been to late to give a warning but I was sure they'd need every pair of hands they could. Especially if the medical ward had any damage.


~a few hours before~

Miche and Nanaba huddled around a small fire pit in the grounds of scout HQ. They had returned to assist a few weeks back and had been helping out ever since.  Miche sniffed the air.

"It's coming. I can smell it." Miche scrunched his nose.

"I'm sure it's nothing. All the dust from their missiles is probably messing with your sense of smell." Nanaba brushed it off rubbing her arms with her hands to keep warm.

Miche shook his head. "No, I can feel it. We should move the medical ward."

"There's nowhere to move it. Sina is all locked up and Rose is at full capacity. Other than a few stragglers we're the only ones crazy enough to still be out here. " She laughed

"Then how does it make sense to keep them here as well?" Miche motioned to the building close by that housed the injured soldier and civilians. At least, those that had been found in time.

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