Chapter 24: Impatiently Falling

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Stefan caught up to me after we were separated.
"Sorry, the bakery caught my eye and I kinda got pulled away by the floods of people" I laughed. "Let's go somewhere less crowded. I bought us a pastry each." I grabbed Stefan's hand and dragged him off towards a quieter area of the market.

"It's okay.... I....Uh....I got you these...." Stefan said as I pulled him out of the crowds.

He held out 5 yellow roses towards me his face a bright crimson.

"Awwe thanks Stefan! I love them." I took them happily smelling the beautiful golden petals.

"S-so? I-is that a yes?" He asked sheepishly. Scratching his neck with nervous energy

"Yes to what? Stefan.... I thought we were friends already..." I laughed "You don't have to ask me to be your friend you know." I looked at Stefan with confusion. We had known each other for a while so why was he asking me to be friends?

"W-what.... The guy said that.... That you...." Stefan sighed his eyes full of shame and embarrassment. I immediately understood the confusion.

"Oh. Stefan... Did you want them to be more than friendship roses?" I asked my cheeks flushing.
He nodded his head a little looking at the ground. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.

"Y-you don't have to say yes... I just... I really like you... And ..."

"Yes." I cut him off and pulled him into a hug the warmth of his soul seeping through his skin and clothes. Stefan wrapped his arms around me pulling me close.

"Y/n... You truly are the most beautiful girl I've ever met... And.... I'm so glad I met you." He said as he gingerly kissed the top of my head.


Over the next few weeks Stefan and I spent any spare time we had together. I even accompanied him on some of his paper rounds. Despite not having a job, I still had steady income from the money that M.O.T.H.E.R would send me every week.

The more time we spent together the more my heart healed. I enjoyed spending time with Stefan. It was never stressful and he always told me that I looked beautiful even when I had just rolled out of bed and had dry drool on my cheek.

One evening stood out to me in particular. Stefan's shift was due to finish in an hour's time and I decided to surprise him. I cooked a lovely dinner and set out lavender candles in the kitchen.

I soon heard a knock at the door and rushed to answer it.

"Hi!" I said in excitement before stopping in my tracks. Stefan stood before me looking handsome as ever in his postman's uniform. But that wasn't what shocked me. Laying lazily around his neck and shoulders was a sleepy looking tabby cat.

"Sorry, I just haven't been around her much lately and I felt bad leaving her with my parents again. I hope you don't mind..." He said petting the cats head gently.

"Y-you never told me you had a cat! She's so cute!" I squealed so excited to see and meet her. "Come in, come in." I ushered them in through the door.

"Her name is Maggie, I've had her since I was a kid so she's kinda old now." Stefan looked around the kitchen. "Wow it looks great in here."

"Thanks, I was kinda hoping we could go out and watch the moon tonight but I'm happy to stay in if you are. " I grinned reaching up to pet Maggie's head. She meowed quietly nuzzling against my hand. Her fur was so soft that I could barely feel it and her deep brown eyes glistened.

"We can still go out. Maggie will be okay here I'm sure there's a mouse or something around here to entertain her. I just thought she might like a change in scenery." Stefan smiled and bent down so that Maggie could jump down off his shoulders and inspect my home.

Maggie coiled herself around my legs throughout dinner, purring contentedly. I petted her occasionally as Stefan and I made small talk about our day and he asked me about how I made the candles that I'd lit on the table. Our conversations were never stressful, Stefan's words were always kind and he knew how to make me laugh so easily. To be honest, it was bliss.

After dinner Stefan helped me clean up and we said goodbye to Maggie and headed out just in time. We walked a little way down the hill and found a nice patch of grass to lay down on.

Stefan pulled me close and I rested my head on his chest as we watched the sun dip below the wall and the moon come into better view in the fading daylight. It was a blue moon, one that only appeared once every two or three years.

Our faces were bathed in its light and our fingers intertwined. I was content. At least for that moment my mind was silent, overwhelmed by the sound of Stefan's heart beating steadily in his chest.

"Your heart always beats so loudly" I whispered to Stefan as I admired the bright moon.

He squeezed my hand gently. "That's because it beats for you. And only you."

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