Chapter 9: Zero Eclipse

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We soon arrived in Erwins office. It was just as I had pictured it. Dark wooden furniture, cream painted walls and his desk central and to the rear of the room with a large bay window behind it.

"Please make yourself at home." Erwin motioned to a chair that sat to one side of the room with a small accompanying table as he rounded the desk and sat down.

"Thank you." I sat down turning the chair so that I was facing towards his desk. "I'm sorry if I've come at a bad time I just realised that Id been gone for quite a while and when Roy told me you'd stopped by to enquire about me I assumed that you were probably worried. So, sorry for that."

"Your assumption would be correct. I must admit I was mostly worried that I'd been to forward in my inviting you here and that's why you hadn't sent any response." Erwin leaned back in his chair in a relaxed manner his face bearing a small smile.

"Well I got a sudden message from my mother so I had to leave urgently to Hermine district. It's quite the trek so I was rather rushed to leave. I'm glad Stefan managed to get my last letter to you though." I studied Erwin for I had never seen him so up close before. He held the body of an ox, strong and tall, whilst his eyes bore a softness that contrasted it. He truly was a handsome sight to behold.

"Y/n?" Erwin waved his hand a little. It seemed that I'd been caught up in daydreaming and had missed his question.

"Oh sorry! I was lost in my own world for a moment there."

"It's quite alright. I just asked if you might allow me to accompany you on your journey next time. It's always nice to visit other districts and we have plenty of horses here to spare. It would cut the journey time in half at least." His gesture was very tempting but would be impossible to accept.

"Thank you but that won't be necessary. My mother really isn't that fond of men in...." I tried to think of a nicer way to put it. "Military positions."

Erwin chuckled.
"I understand. So tell me, what's your favourite thing about being a journalist?"

'You mean other than getting to write to you?' I wanted to say but I held back.

"Well, I suppose it's changing people's perceptions through my articles. For example, when someone started a rumor about a rat infestation at a bakery in Stohess everyone was outraged. I believe the baker even received death threats. But after I interviewed him and looked around I concluded that it was just that, a rumor. I wrote my article and before you know it he was back to business as usual."

"That's great news. I'm sure he was very grateful. I can't say I read the papers much but I'm sure that your writing is incredible if your news articles are as well written as the letters you've written to me."Erwin glanced at the clock. "Seems as though it's almost time for dinner. Would you care for something to eat?"

"If it's not too much trouble." Erwin smiled and stood up and we left his office headed for the dining hall.


Y/n was just as he had pictured. Elegant and yet carefree, sophisticated and yet outgoing. The light reflected off her hair and her skin practically glowed in his eyes. He was more than a little captivated. As they walked he took note of her pace and stature. Her posture was near impeccable and he wondered if she had ever been made to walk with a book balanced on her head.

"So tell me about what you did before you were a journalist."

"Oh umm...well...I went to school obviously and then I went on to study history and..." She paused to think "Well that's just about it really."

"Oh so you're intrested in history. I must say I have some theories about the reliability of our history books myself. Although I won't bore you with the details today." Erwin smiled at Y/n and she smiled back at him.

"I'll be looking forward to hearing them."


We soon arrived at the dining hall where a black haired man and an overly energetic person with a pony tail and glasses were already seated at a table.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Section Commander Hange over there whilst I grab us some food." Erwin said pointing over to where the dark haired man was sipping tea carefully as the brunette ranted to him about something or other. I nodded and headed over standing beside their table.

"Uhh hi, is this seat taken?" I said sheepishly.

"Oh um, nope! Go right ahead!" The person whom I assumed was Section Commander Hange said only pausing momentarily before continuing their ranting.

"Who are you?" The dark haired man asked bluntly.

"I'm f/n l/n of Berg Newspapers. The Commander told me to come and sit over here while he got us some food." Despite his height he was extremely intimidating.

"Can't you get it yourself? Or are you too precious for that?"

"Levi! Don't be don't be such a meanie." Hange lowered their tone to a whispered shout.
"Shes the Commanders girlfriend!"

"O-oh, no it's not like that at all! I mean Erwin is a great guy but we really only just met in person today-"

"Here we are." I was cut off by Erwin's sudden presence he sat down beside Levi and pushed a plate of food towards me. "Sorry, it's not really the nicest food for a date but we're lucky they had some leftovers."

"A date? I didn't know this was a date... I..." My cheeks reddened and I became flustered

"Sorry. I just meant it's not the sort of place I'd take a lady on our first meeting."Erwin attempted to backpedal from his Freudian slip.

"How very professional. A date at the Survey Corps HQ. I'm sure no-one will find out about this at all." Levi stood up and stalked off.

"LEVAAAAIIIII!" Hange called after him. "Stop being so bitter just because someone's taken your place as Erwins lap dog! " They galloped after him trying to cheer him up from whatever mood he was in. "It was good to meet you y/n!" They called back to me as they skipped out

Erwin looked after him with concern.
"My apologies, it takes a while for him to warm up to people. Humanity's strongest has to wear some metaphorical armour. But he's kind at heart."

I nodded.
"I understand. Everyone has to protect themselves one way or another." We both began eating stopping every now and then to make small talk. It felt as if we'd known each other for a lifetime not a mere month or so. I felt strangely comfortable around him.

Before long we had both finished our food, despite it being military rations it was still better food than I was used to most of the time. Erwin checked the clock.

"Theres still a few hours of daylight left, would you care to take a walk around the training grounds? Perhaps I could show you where I picked the lily of the valley from before." Erwin asked graciously.

"Of course I'd love to." My cheeks still slightly hot from before darkened once again. Erwin rose from his seat and extended his arm to me.

I stood up too taking his arm and we walked outside and down a path towards an open grass field. I looked around as we walked taking in my surroundings. The weather was perfect, only a slight breeze in the air and the sun was just starting to go down causing everything the light touched to be bathed with an orange hue.

"So this is the famous trail you always talk about." I said still admiring the sky and scenery.

"It is. Although it's not as peaceful during the day. The cadets are usually out here doing combat practise or learning how to pitch tents. But in the evenings. It's the perfect place to think." Erwin unlinked his arm from mine and bent down to pluck a small daisy-like flower that I recognised to be chamomile.

"This is chamomile. It's another common wildflower in this area." Erwin stood back up from his crouched position. "If given to someone it's said to represent a wish for that persons dreams and wishes to be fulfilled." Erwin's eyes met mine once more as he moved a little closer to me.

"So tell me y/n,"

He moved his hand to tuck the flower behind my ear.

"What will you wish for?"

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now