Chapter 37- My future

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The next morning I awoke to the sound of the door swinging open. Startled I sat up, the light from the window causing me to clench my eyes shut the sun's bright beams practically blinding me.

"GOOD MORNING!! I brought you an apple from breakfast soon as you slept through it." Hange exclaimed as I rubbed my eyes in order to readjust to the brightness of the room. As my eyes blinked open I examined my surroundings first noticing the figure stood at the end of the bed their dark expression looming over me.

I must have turned pale because the figure rolled it's eyes and let out a scoff.

"Captain Levi?" I asked.

"What." The short but terrifying man responded.

"Nothing... I was just making sure it was you and not someone out to kill me. You can be quite terrifying."

"Yeah! Levi! Give y/n a break. No need to look over her like the grim reaper " Hange cackled.

"Oh but there is every reason. Isn't there?"  Levi glared at me.

I gulped. I guess he really hated me for backstabbing them before. I was surely doomed.

"Well...I'll leave you two to.... Spar? Fight to the death?" Hange slipped out of the room leaving the apple on the beside table.

"Erwin told me to watch you when he was unavailable. He said not to disturb you. That's the only reason I'm here and you're not out crawling in the mud with the cadets. "

I groaned. "no fair. That's sounds like fun."

Another scoff escaped Levi's lips. "I'll tell Erwin that next time. Either way you're staying here until he gets back. Either help me clean or stay out of my way." Levi retorted

"I won't disturb you...don't worry..." I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Noticing, for the first time that this wasn't my own bed and was in fact Erwin's. My face reddened and I cursed myself for being too sleepy last night to have any recollection of laying beside him.

Picking out some clothes from my case I waited for Levi to go into the office to change. Buttoning my blouse took a long time but once I was ready I also made my way in borrowing a piece of paper and a pen from Erwin"s desk and sitting down to write, doing my best to disturb Levi's meticulous cleaning as little as possible.


Reiner Braun
Liberio Internment Zone
Quadrant 7
Section 4


How is everyone doing? Its been 6 months since I saw you last but it feels so much longer. I miss the days where we could sit and eat biscuits together during our time off and dare eachother to climb trees and we would pick up worms and pretend they were our pets. I wonder if Berty is over his fear of them yet or if he's still scared half to death of them. Tell Pieck I miss her too. Braiding her hair while she napped under that big tree out back of the dorms, crawling around on all fours while she sat on my back giving me a chance to be Cart titan for once. My mother always scolded me for always scraping the knees out of my uniform.

But enough reminiscing on old times, as much as I enjoyed them. There's a reason that I'm writing to you specifically and not to Zeke or Magath. I wanted to let you know what's really going on with me. The truth is, I'm not planning on coming home. I like it here and to be honest, I can see myself having a really happy future here. I could never see myself staying in Marley, I just didn't feel right.

So I guess this is farewell.
I'll write as often as I can but I can't make any promises.
Please keep this between us.

Forever, your friend
Y/n L/n

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