Chapter 17: Cover me in Sunshine

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I stretched looking out of my dorm room window and smiled to myself seeing the younger kids outside in the sun. I scratched my head and got dressed before running out to join them.

"REINER! BERTY! I've got cookies!" I said jogging over to where they were laying in the grass. They both sat up hearing me approach.

"AWESOME!" Reiner grinned

"We couldn't get any milk today... But I guess we can just eat them as they are..." Bertholdt said looking down sadly.

"It's okay, I'll go ask for some juice, Kay?" I dropped the tub of cookies on the ground and ran back inside to get some juice to have with the cookies.

Being Marleyian had it's perks, one of which was getting almost everything I asked for. The same couldn't be said for that of Eldians even if they were warrior candidates.

I came back out holding a cup of juice and carefully poured it into their empty canteens whilst still saving some for myself. We sat happily giggling and talking about life while we snacked.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be training?" Annie asked disturbing our relaxation time.

"Oh shove off Annie. Don't be so mean, they can have a break if they want." Pieck replied from a little way off.

"Yeah! You heard Pieck. Shove off!" I yelled at Annie

My arm stung as she punched me hard.

"What the hell is going on here?" Zeke asked as he approached. "Y/n, I suggest you go back to whatever you were doing and the three of you get back to training. You're warriors not holiday makers."

We all rolled our eyes and stood up. Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie went back to doing push ups over the other side of the courtyard and I turned to head back inside.

"Hey, y/n. You should probably do more than study books you know?" Zeke said laughing a bit.

"Alright then. You gonna teach me how to fight or something?" I asked excited.

"Sure. If you want." Zeke replied "But how about we start with conquering your fear of heights?"

I did get over my fear of heights thanks to Zeke. That was one of the very last happy memories I had of him. A few weeks later the Warrior candidates were considered ready to inherit their titan's and their smiles all faded just enough for them to feel less like my friends and more like colleagues.

I would have given anything to see them truly happy again. But I knew that would never happen. I'm not sure if something about becoming warriors made them feel less human but it sure seemed that way.


"Hey, look it's mr Muscle, Beer Turtle and Bug Crusher!" I called as I jogged over to the table where the three warriors were seated. As I got closer I realised Pieck was also with them lying down on ground beside the bench. "Oh and Sleeping Beauty too! Where's the Nut cracker?" The silence could have been cut with a knife.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" I questioned sitting down at the table. "Seriously? You guys go to Paradis one time and now you won't even talk to me? It can't have been that bad. I mean you're all sitting here moping and for what?"

Reiner's head fell into his hands his stony facade cracking under the pressure.
"I should have done something... But I was too scared..." He whispered to himself

Bertholdt placed a hand on his back rubbing gently.
"It's alright... We were all scared Reiner..."

"Speak for yourself." Annie got up and walked off hands in pockets. Angry as usual.

"Y/n... Marcel didn't... make it...we got hunted down by a Titan and... He got eaten." Bertholdt said sadly looking down.

"Oh no.... I'm so sorry...." I pulled Reiner into a hug. "I'm sorry, I didn't know... I just thought you were annoyed at me..."

Pieck rubbed her eyes.
"Oh hi y/n, I didn't know you'd joined us..."

I smiled at Pieck but continued to focus on Reiner and Bertholdt.

"You know I'm always here for you. I've got a year or so before I have to go myself. So until then my door will be open all hours okay? That goes for Annie too. I know she and I don't exactly get along. But it's tough and I can see that." I tugged on Bert's sleeve pulling him into a hug as well.

Pieck got up and joined in the hug despite being mostly oblivious to what was going on. Reiner sobbed into my shoulder his entire body trembling. I shh'd him quietly rocking gently trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry Reiner. I'll go there and get the info and then we'll be rid of them forever and they won't take anyone else from us." I squeezed him tight.

"Promise?" He said pulling back a bit looking up at me with reddened eyes. He was like a small child, despite being 14 years old.



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