Chapter 8: Ocean Eyes

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I crashed through the front door and lay in a heap on my kitchen floor. I was home at last. As I had expected the reception I received once I arrived in Hermine district was less than welcoming. I leaned against the wall panting and pulled off my jacket and hung it on the hook pushing the door shut with my foot.

'At least that will get them off my back for a few more weeks at least.' I sighed before heading to the kitchen to cook myself something to eat.

I opened the cupboard and took out the remains of the food I'd purchased before I left and sniffed it gingerly.

I gagged.

"Yeah that is definitely not edible." I coughed and threw it out. "Guess I'll have to go down to the market and see if there's anything left I can eat for today." Maybe I could even stop by Berg too and send my apologies to Roy. I hoped and prayed I still had a job.


I knocked on the door to the Newspaper Printers. My leather bag draped across my body from which protruded the neck of a bottle of wine, which I hoped would act as a peace offering and might spare me having to beg him to let me keep my job.

"Why hello. Who are you then?" Roy asked from the crack in the door as he opened it slightly.

"I'm y/n? I work here..." I said with a confused tone.

"Nope sorry we don't have anyone who works here by that name." Roy tried to close the door but I shoved my foot in before he had the chance.

"Roy, look... I'm so sorry. But it's my mothe-"

"I know. It's the same excuse everytime. I just-" His eyes glanced down to the bottle of wine peeking from my bag. "....what cha got there."

"Oh this? It's my apology." I pulled the bottle from my bag and held it out. Roy opened the door and took it examining it. I stepped back.

"It's not much-"

"Don't be late for your shift tommorow." He closed the door.

I smiled to myself as I turned and headed off.
"That went better than I thought."

"Wait! Before you go!" Roy was back at the door.

"Hm?" I turned back.

"The Commander of the Survey Corps came looking for you a couple days ago. Said he was worried about you? And this arrived shortly after you left." Roy held out a letter.

My heart fluttered. Erwin. He came looking for me? God how could I be so stupid. He hasn't heard from me in weeks. I hope he's not too upset. I jogged back and took the letter.

"Thanks Roy. See you tommorow." He nodded and closed the door once again.

I hurriedly opened the letter. An invitation?! 'Can't say spending the rest of this evening sipping tea in a military office sounds so bad' I checked my watch. Perfect timing. The coach should be coming by soon. I sat down on the kerb and waited.

Before long the coach arrived in Trost and I jumped off the back wondering which way the offices must be.

"Excuse me, which way to the Survey Corps HQ?" I asked a woman who was packing up the last of her stall.

"Should be just that way dear though I expect you'll have a lot of trouble getting in there." The woman said laughing a little. I thanked her and headed off in the direction she had pointed in. I saw the guards before I saw the gates. The woman was right it wouldn't be easy to get in.

All the same I was there by invitation so surely they'd just let me pass? I walked up confidently and was about to waltz past when the two MP's on the gate put their hands on my shoulders.

"What? You thought we'd just let you walk in? I don't think so." They were jerks it was clear. I mean they were MP's so what was I expecting.

"I'm here to see Commander Erwin Smith. He invited me here." I stepped back out of their grasp.

They both chuckled patronisingly.
"You honestly expect us to believe the Commander would invite some random civilian like you to his office? Dream on darlin'." The taller of the two said smirking at his own joke.

"Don't darlin' me. I'm telling the truth!" I glared at both of them.

"Damn Fredrich we got a feisty one." The shorter of the two nudged the other one whilst laughing.

"Listen....Darlin'" The taller, apparently named Fredrich said deliberately to rile me up even further. "The Commander doesn't want to see you and we're not letting you in so just shove off and stop causing trouble alright?"


Erwin rubbed his temple as he finished up signing the stack of papers that Levi had organised for him. Muffled shouts came from the street below. Another street fight? Erwin walked over to the window out of curiousity.

Seemed like someone else was trying to get into the offices. Although it looked like the MP's were giving them a hard time. Erwin wondered what exactly they were saying but his office was just slightly out of range to properly hear their conversation.

He decided to go down and see what was happening. After all it wasn't every day he saw a woman putting up such a fight just to get in.


I'd had enough of their insults. I had trained myself to hold in my rage in many situations but the MP's always got to me. They were always so snarky thinking they were above everyone.

"I just don't know where you've got the idea that someone in the Military would even want to breathe the same air as you."

I raised my hand to slap the man when I was caught by the wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Miss."

I turned my head slightly and I was met with two bright blue eyes. And suddenly I was lost for words as he released my wrist from his grip.

"Miss? Are you...okay?" He spoke softly to me.

"U-Uh... Yes you just... Surprised me is all...I'm here to see Commander Smith." I spoke trying to summon any bravery and confidence within myself.

"I could see that." He chuckled a bit.
"May I ask who you are?"

"Oh shoot. Yeah I'm F/n L/n." I held out the letter towards Erwin trying to be as blasé as possible.

"She is here on invitation. Might I suggest you apologise to my guest?" Erwin directly addressed the MP's

"Sorry Commander, Sorry Miss." They saluted Erwin and then Erwin extended his arm pointing through the gate. I walked through them and he walked beside me.

We turned a corner and walked through another door as Erwin led the way.
He smiled, his shoulders loosening.
He turned his face back to me and gazed upon me with his ocean eyes once again.

"It's so good to finally meet you, y/n."

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now