Chapter 59- The Most Beautiful Thing

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Once we reached his office we closed the door and fell into each other's arms.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you too, y/n, I'm so sorry." He replied

"Sorry? I should be the one saying sorry." I pulled back stunned by his apology. He hadn't done anything wrong so why was he apologizing?

"I...I couldn't stop you." His eyes saddened

"Erwin. I made the choice and it was a stupid one at that. " I caressed his cheek as he turned his eyes back to me looking into mine.

"That day, the look in your eyes. I never want to see them look like that again." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Like what?" I hadn't realised I'd looked any different there was so much going on that I supposed I felt it was better just to shut down.

"They were" Erwin pulled me closer struggling to find the words.

"Don't worry. You won't have to see that again. Promise." I smiled. "Im not going anywhere now. I was stupid to think you could have called for my arrest and besides, I realised that nothing can be worse than spending the rest my life without you."

I leaned up pecking Erwin's cheek causing his cheeks to flush. He'd changed too. He'd grown soft.
"So even if that means I have to stay in hiding or even get arrested. I'll do whatever it takes to stay beside you." I nodded to him reassuringly. "And I've got so many things to tell you about that will help save the people here. You'll all be able to be stronger and irradicate those monsters outside the walls." I clasped his hand firmly almost excitedly.

There was a firm knock at the door and Erwin let go of me pointing to his desk for me to hide.
I crouched down behind it as he walked to open the door.

"Ah Nile. Come in. I wasn't expecting you so soon." Erwin let the stranger in.

"Well I happened to be passing. Besides the sooner we can sort this out the sooner we can all stop stressing" A male voice came from the doorway.

"Y/n you can come out, it's quite alright " Erwin called out to me.

As I stood up cautiously, I recognised him to be the leader to the MP's who had allowed me to escape before.He was a tall wiry looking man with a mop of hair and a sparse beard.I guessed they must have some sort of deal between the two of them.

" helped me. Before when they were coming after me. Thank you." I bowed my head in gratitude.

"No problem. I owed Erwin a favour. Besides he and my wife used to be quite close." He smiled at Erwin then back to me.

"Nile Dok. Commander of the Military Police . It's true what they say we're corrupt as they come. But I like to think we do it for good reason. Don't worry, you won't have any trouble with us. We have other priorities. If you have any information then please let us know." He spoke in a more serious professional tone now extending his hand to me which I shook.

"I said I'll help however I can so is there something in particular?" I questioned.

"Oh no. Nothing right now. I'll, uh, leave you two to it. Apolgies for the intrusion. Good meeting you. " He turned to leave.

"And you, sir." I bowed my head again as a sign of respect as Nile nodded to Erwin and exited the office.

"Nile and I are old friends. We trained together. And well you know about Marie already." Erwin clarified

"I see. I'm thankful he wasn't here to arrest me." I giggled

"He wouldn't dare. He'd have to go through me first." Erwin puffed up his chest laughing. We embraced once again his metallic hand brushing over my cheek.

"Shall we take a walk? I remember how you used to enjoy them." He asked stroking my hair

"I'd love that." I grinned looking up at him.

Erwin and I walked hand in hand down a path we had taken many times.

I skipped ahead plucking flowers and pushing them into my hair. I felt like just a princess.

We swayed back and forth in each others arms to the music of the trees and the wilderness around us and I was sure that this is was paradise really was.

Our lips pressed together, and I felt the tension in my body ease.




I was home.


"You're so beautiful it's almost as if you were plucked right from an artist's canvas. I'll never be able to stop admiring your beauty"

His comment made Y/n's cheeks flush red which he hastily ceased with a kiss.

He'd missed this. The warmth of her lips, the gentleness of her touch. The way he felt at ease when she was around. He didn't need to uphold this unemotional strong façade around her. He could make jokes and be free.

Freedom was something Erwin had always craved. Its partly why he was so keen to figure out the truth of the land outside the walls. So humanity could finally live in peace and have the land they needed to grow crops and thrive as a society.

He knew that some of the scouts shared this same ideal as him. Take Eren Jaeger for example, his titan form had been key in many operations thus far and had saved countless deaths. Ultimately his goal was the same, he wanted to slay all the titans in order to free humanity from the same fate that took his family from him.

A glimpse of blue shook Erwin from his thoughts as their lips parted. He let go of
y/n's waist and slowly moved around her towards the spec. He plucked the Cornflower from the grass and pushed it into his pocket's buttonhole so only its head was poking out.

"A cornflower." He announced.

"Woah! It's beautiful" Y/n smiled walking closer and examining it.

Erwin began,"It's said that men who think they are in love wear them as a test to see if it is reciprocated. If it fades fast then their love is one sided-"

"You needn't worry." Y/n interrupted. "That flower will stay as fresh and a vibrant as the say you've picked it. My love for you is set in stone. Unmoving. And the stone from which it is set is as large as a mountain just as is my love for you "

"Very poetic." Erwin chuckled.

"I try my best." Y/n gave a small curtsey completed with a small smile.

Erwin held out his hand.
"We should get back before Hange sends out a search party."

Y/n took it her finger intertwined through his as they began to walk the rest of the trail which took them back towards the building.

Just like old times.

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