Chapter 67- Goodbye to a world

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I scrambled over throwing debris out the way clawing just as the cat had done.

"Y/n. We don't have time. We have to go!" Marco called off having not moved from where he had stopped.

"Just come and help me. Please." I begged pulling at pieces of wood that must have collapsed from the ceiling.

The hand twitched as I continued to strain my muscles to move heavier pieces. I stopped to take a breath grabbing the hand feeling for a pulse. It was faint but it was there.

Tears flooded my hot cheeks as I continued to struggle.

"Y/n. If we don't go now. The whole of HQ might go up in flames. What about the commander?" Marco continued to watch me from afar.

"Marco. Please I'm begging you come help me!" I cried out in anguish. I didn't turn to look at him as his wires zipped away. He'd made his choice. I'd just have to do this myself.

I screamed in frustration pushing away a broken bookcase falling back onto my hands sobbing.

A strained cough emerged from the debris.

"Please don't cry...." A soft and hushed voice strained out it's breath raspy and dry.

I turned my head. Stefan's face was covered in blood. His eyes barely open.

"Stefan! Thank god you're alive!" I screamed scrambling back to him reaching under his arms trying to pull him out.

"Hey, hey. Hey..." He reached his arm up caressing my cheeks in an attempt to wipe away my tears. "It's okay. Don't pull me.... It hurts real bad." He groaned.

"I'm sorry ...I'm sorry ..." I whispered stopping and just shuffling closer sitting so his head was in my lap. "I'm gonna get you out. I promise."

"I-" he began to cough and I grabbed my water pouring some into his mouth to clear his throat from dust. "Y/n. I don't think you're gonna be able to-"

"DONT SAY THAT!" I yelled. "please....don't say I can't fix this. I can! And I will!. There's still time." Tears splashed down onto Stefan's freckled cheeks.

"I'm so glad I met you, do you know that?" He whispered forcing a smile through the pain.

"No. No. Don't say that stuff. I'll fix it." I got up. "I can get you out. I know I can. Where are you stuck?" I asked beginning to try to push the largest of the rocks grunting and straining in frustration.


"Ah.... sweet girl.... Did you find your way home...I was so worried about you." He cooed at her as she sniffed at his face and rubbed against his bloodied palm that he petted her with.

I lay flat in the ground trying to see through the rubble where the bottom half of Stefan could be stuck. If I could just move that big piece then I might be able to get him out. Even if he couldn't walk he'd be out and alive and well and-

"Y/N even if you could get me out ... I don't know that they'd get here quick enough. Besides. They have bigger fish to fry than some scrawny postboy." He strained a laugh throwing me from my thoughts

"Stefan you can't say that I'm not going to let you just die here!"

"It's too late for that..." He chuckled coughing once again. "Can't I just have my last few moments with the person I admire most? While I watch it crumble around me? Please y/n just sit with me a while."

I nodded although it pained me to do so. I sat back down twirling locks of his curly hair in my fingers. He smiled contentedly. I prayed that this was a bad dream or that everything would be okay.

"As much as I'd hoped you weren't anywhere near this place a part of me was sad to think I wouldn't get to say goodbye."he smiled again sadly this time.

"I should have visited more...I'm sorry ...please I'll come by more from now on. We can go for walks and get crossaints from the bakery and spend the day just talking. I'll help you with the post rounds and we can go and visit the monuments in Sina like you wanted to. " Tears dribbled down my face dragging dirt and blood with them.

"I'm glad. I'm sure I'll get to do all that and much more when I go..." He paused. "I just wanted to say.... thank you. Thank you for allowing me to feel loved. For giving me a sense of adventure. For letting me have the pleasure of being yours, even if it was only for a while. I couldn't have wished for anything more. Oh...and Y/n? Please take care of her won't you?" His green eyes sparkled in the sun as the life faded from them.

I shook him.
" no no!" I began to scream and wail. "PLEASE! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! PLEASE!! I CAN STILL FIX THIS!! Please! Please!! I'm sorry!!!!" I yelled in anguish.

"IM SORRY!!!! THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!!" I wailed as loud as I could cradling his head with my hands rocking back and forth.

Maggie mewed pawing at his hand which now lay lifeless outstretched towards her.

Marco watched me from the rooftop having returned to check on me.
I turned my head screaming to him.

"I TOLD YOU TO HELP ME!! WHY DIDNT YOU HELP ME!! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!!!" I continued to cry my scream reverberating through the town. I knew this wasn't his fault. If it was anyone's it was mine. If I'd played their games maybe there wouldn't be a war going on right now.


I stayed by Stefan's side for many hours until finally Marco rounded up some soldiers to move the large stone. They pulled it away revealing the mangled mess that was Stefan's lower half and legs. I ran forward pressing my hands to him trying to stop the blood thinking that there was still a chance to save him. Bring him back.

I wiped my tears with my hands my eyes burning. I covered my mouth and nose, trying to take a deep breath. I wretched at the stench of death. Blood mixed with brick. Blood seeped and trickled in-between the cracks of the ground spreading further and further. I blinked the tears away. The blood on my face sticky and dry.

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