Chapter 21: Sleep Thru Ur Alarms

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Stefan watched as y/n rapidly consumed glass after glass of wine whilst his sat half full. He was worried about her. She kept asking the same questions over and over and after the first bottle was done she wouldn't stop crying. What was he supposed to do? She was a grown woman he couldn't exactly tell her to stop drinking. At least not until it got too serious. He took a sip of his own wine and rubbed his head.

"Did you know that Lily of the valley is poisonous if consumed? Maybe that's why he gave it to me. Maybe he was trying to poison me!" Y/n yelled out her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I'm sure that's not true... He doesn't seem like the type. I mean when I gave him that letter he seemed really nice and he sure looked happy to receive it." Stefan replied moving his chair a little closer to gently rub y/n's back to comfort her.

Y/n gulped and doubled over.
"Uaagghh my stomach...." She groaned.

"I think it's time you went to bed." Stefan stood up and moved the wine away from her.

"What? No. I'm fine." She retorted

"Y/n. You're drunk, and as much as I love hearing your stories if you keep drinking you'll just end up making yourself sick." Stefan's voice was full of concern. He only ever wanted what was best for her even if that meant making her a little grouchy sometimes.

"Fine." Y/n hiccuped and stood up from the table stumbling a bit.

"Woah there!" Stefan caught hold of Y/n's arm holding her upright.

"Sorry..." She mumbled trying to stand on her own but wobbling again and knocking a vase off the side onto the ground causing it to shatter. "Ughhh shit..." She groaned.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it. Let's just get you to bed." Stefan held onto y/n carefully as he helped her up the stairs. She was becoming drowsier and drowsier by the second and struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Sit here." Stefan instructed pointing to the end of her bed. Before he went into her bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush. He sat behind her and carefully brushed out her hair before helping y/n into the bed fully clothed.

"I know it might feel weird to sleep in your clothes but it's just a lot easier for me if you stay in them okay?" He said softly his voice soothing y/n's emotions.
She nodded quietly her mind reduced to that of a small child barely capable of looking after themselves.

Stefan tucked y/n into her bed and went go fetch her a glass of water. When he returned y/n was sound asleep so he placed it on her bedside cabinet and blew out the candles in her room.

After clearing up the broken vase he went back upstairs to check of y/n one last time before he headed home. She was still sound asleep and so he turned to leave.

"S-Stefan?" She called out sleepily.

Stefan turned back to her. "Yes? I thought you were sleeping..." He said apologetically.

"Please don't go... It's so lonely here all on my own... And I'm scared..." She whimpered. Stefan wasn't sure what exactly she had to be scared of but the fear in her eyes was clear and her tear stained cheeks spoke numbers. He couldn't bare to see her suffering like this.

"Alright, I'll stay. If you'll sleep better with me here then I'll just have to sleep here too." Stefan sat down on the floor by Y/n's bed. He pulled off his postman's vest and folded it up placing it under his head as he lay down on the floor.

Y/n reached out her hand to him over the side of her bed. He took it their fingers interlocking. Stefan blushed, never had he held someone's hand like this before, he could feel her pulse under her skin and the heat of his hands slowly seeped into her icy ones.

He closed his eyes imagining a world where he and y/n could be more than just friends. A world where they could cook side by side in the kitchen and sit by the fire together at night. A world where they could dance under the stars and watch the sunrise over and over again in each other's arms.

A world so far from this one.

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