Chapter 71- Talking to the Moon

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Erwin gasped for breath, pain still shooting through his left side. He reached his hand down to touch it and was met with the warm sticky feeling of blood. He was losing it fast. The rock had hit at such a speed that he was almost sure his organs were exposed.

He heard Levi's anguished cry from the distance. He hoped that he would make it in time.  The damp from the grass was beginning to seep through his clothes but he didnt shiver.  He cast his eyes upon the sky which had long since turned orange as the sun began to set. 

His eyes began to drift closed but he willed them to stay open for he wasnt sure if he would make it if he fell asleep now.

The noises around Erwin alerted him to Levi's arrival. The beast titan roared as he was atttacked and angry and fearful voices called out to one another. But while all the commotions continued around him he could only think of one person. And that was y/n. He hadnt seen her since the outbreak of the war. It felt like theyd been focused on fighting so long he'd begun to forget her scent, the sound of her voice and the way her lips felt pressed against his.

As the sun continued to set the moon rose in its place and he began to remember all the times they had shared together. He blushed as he recalled the night they were almost interrupted whilst they made love. How the moonlight that night had reflected in   her eyes and caused her skin to glow as if she was a rare ethereal creature that no man had ever laid his eyes upon before.

She truly was the love of his life. He prayed for her safety. That should he not make it that Levi and Hange would make sure she was well cared for. Whatever she may choose to do. Despite everything he had told Marie he longed to be able to have a family some day. Maybe after all this it was time he retire and pass the reigns to someone else. He wasnt getting any younger and the thought of starting a family with y/n made his heart buzz with excitement.

He hoped by some miracle his thoughts could reach y/n so that she'd know how much he adored her. His eyes felt damp but he couldnt move his arms to wipe the tears away. They were numb and heavy. The cold and lack of blood having crept from his toes all the way up to his neck.

The sounds around him had become muffled as his senses too began to fade. The edges of his vision darkening. He knew he needed to hold on but he wasnt sure if that was even possible anymore. Maybe he could close his eyes just for a moment. Perhaps he might be able to hold onto the memories of her that way.

He recalled the wild flowers she loved so much.  How he had charmed her with his knowledge of their meanings and shown her the kind of love it seems she had never recieved. The kind she deserved. The kind of love his father had once shown his mother. 

What he wouldnt give for one last embrace with y/n. Just picturing it he could felt a sense of warm envelope his body his hand being pulled into the hand of another. As his ears rang with sounds incredibly close to him.

"Erwin?! Erwin please stay awake! Please. Dont leave me now.... " sobs left    y/n's mouth as she clutched his freezing hand in her own.

Erwin let out his breath his eyes closing with a mild relief that she was with him.

Y/n's tears dripped down upon his face as she shook him.
"Please dont leave me. Please! LEVI!! Help me please!!! Oh god!" She pressed her hands against Erwin's side desperatley trying to stop the blood.

Erwin's heartbeat slowed and despite his lack of consciousness he still felt almost like he was floating away. Until the pain had vanished and his hearing once again faded into nothingness.

Y/n's cries echoed around the open land.
As she screamed over the body of the man she loved with her whole heart. How could this be happening like this. This wasnt how any of this was supposed to end. How would she ever find happiness now? She screamed to the sky cursing whatever gods there might be for taking him from her before she'd even had a chance to say goodbye.

"Erwin Smith. I love you."

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