Chapter 33- Turning Page

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I breathed that same familiar earthy scent of leather that coated his shirt as i leaned against him. The only sound that filled my ears was Erwin's steady breaths and my own beating heart.

My mind was flooded with relief that it seemed that he understood me finally.

"I do have conditions though I will add." Erwin said pulling away from me.

"What are they?" I asked hesitantly. "Please Erwin. Don't ask me to tell you every secret about M.O.T.H.E.R because I can't do that...." I prayed he wouldn't.

"I wouldn't dream of it. As much as I want to know what's happening I hope that in time you'll trust me enough to simply tell me of your own accord. No, my condition is simple in that you must not leave my sight." It seemed like Erwin wouldn't fully trust or forgive me until I proved my loyalty to him.

"But what about your big fancy meetings in Wall Sina. I can't exactly go with you there. " I protested trying to cling to my freedom.

"If I'm called away for confidential matters then I will leave you in the very capable hands of Captain Levi." Erwin's eyes softened. "I understand it might feel like I'm keeping you prisoner but you have to understand. No-one knows about what happened between us. No doubt they would scrutinise me for allowing you to get away. This means I effectively have no allies in this matter. My only choice is to keep you close enough to where I can begin to trust you again. And... If you are still lying to me,"
He looked at the ground. "That we can deal with the situation before it gets out of hand."

Of course I understood but that didn't mean I was thrilled about it. As much as I would in normal circumstances seize the opportunity to be so close to Erwin 24/7 I was afraid of what M.O.T.H.E.R might say about it.

"I understand." I nodded. "I'll prove you can trust me. I swear it." I smiled up at Erwin pushing down my fears.

"Then it's settled. I'll ask for you to be scheduled to have some ODM gear fitted just in case. And tommorow we can make the trip to your residence and collect your things. You'll have to do without them for now I'm afraid as I have a lot of work to do. " Erwin smiled patting my shoulder before sitting down at his desk and pulling a stack of papers into the centre of it.

I wondered if there was anything I could do to help but instead I just sat down quietly at the side of the room and pulled my book from my bag and lost myself in it's pages.


Many hours past before my stomach began to grumble in protest. I shushed it to prevent disturbing Erwin but it was too late.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Sorry.... I know you're busy." I continued reading trying to ignore my stomach's call for food.

Erwin rose from his desk and made his way over picking up my bookmark and placing it in between my books pages taking it from me and closing it before setting it down carefully.

I looked up into his blue eyes his figure looming over me. He extended his arm to me and I took it getting up from my seat my joints aching from sitting still for so long.

"Let's go and see if there's any food left. I think I might have accidentally worked through dinner." Erwin chuckled. "Sorry about that. I have a tendency to get lost in it sometimes."

I held his arm tightly as we walked down the corridor towards the dining hall. A slight sound of chattering voices floated to my ears from it. As we entered the dining hall chatters quietened slightly. The cadets appeared surprised to see me again and I smiled to some of them giving them a small wave.

Erwin meanwhile had locked eyes with Captain Levi across the room who rolled his eyes upon seeing me.

"Do excuse me. I might need to have a word with Captain Levi for a moment. You can go ahead and sit with the cadets if you'd like. I'll just be over here. Don't worry I'll still keep an eye on you." He slipped his arm out of my grasp and strides over to Levi pulling him aside to discuss... Well me, I assumed.

As I made my way closer to the cadets I could see there were far fewer than their had been before. But those who remained hadn't changed a bit.
Sasha and Connie still as playful as ever were laughing hysterically over some joke they had made.
Marco sat across from Sasha smiling but far to soft-hearted and shy to fully laugh along.

Next to Marco was Jean who laughed with them whilst also side eyeing Mikasa who sat across from him and next to Connie.
She of course was paying no mind to him. Her eyes were fixed firmly on Eren,on the other side of her, the one hell bent on "killing all the Titans".
Opposite Eren sat Armin book out on the table reading diligently.

I sat down next to Armin and immediately they all fell quiet their eyes staring at me.

"Y/n... You're back!" Armin exclaimed excitedly turning to me.

"Seems that way." I smiled. "Sorry I went M.I.A, the Commander and I... weren't exactly on the best terms....but enough about that... What did I miss?" I asked looking around the table waiting for some answers.

"I'm a Titan shifter!" Eren grinned. His eyes full of pride.

I studied his face. He reminded me of someone. Though I couldn't quite figure it out.

"Wow! A Titan shifter.... That's uhh... That's a bold claim..." I chuckled faking ignorance. "I didn't even know that was possible."

"Ereh... We shouldn't go around telling everyone. The Commander said we should keep it to ourselves." Mikasa grabbed Eren's arm.

"No need to fear." I put up my hands. "I lost my job at the papers so I really have no-one to tell other than the Commander" I laughed.

Eren shrugged Mikasa off to which she seemed a little hurt.

"So any other news? I mean I haven't seen you guys in 6 months and that's all?"

Sasha excitedly pointed to Marco. "MARCO ALMOST GOT EATEN BY A TITAN!!" She squealed her mouth full of food as she driftied back into hysterics.

Marco's face flushed crimson. "I wish you wouldn't say it like that...." He groaned. "It is true though. I must say if it weren't for Squad Leader Zacharias I would probably be dead right now." His face turned to that of worry and fear. Jean swiftly elbowed him.

"Hey! But you're not. And don't beat yourself up about it. It's not like we haven't all had close moments. Right?" Jean said trying to ease Marco's embarrassment. Marco nodded slightly in response.

It was great to see them all again. The pit of my stomach ached. I told myself it was the hunger but in reality I wasn't sure whether I was scared for them.

They were just teenagers.

It was a sad reality that it was most likely that many of them wouldn't survive to see many more years.

I just hoped they wouldn't have to die in the hands of the Marleyian warriors. Or by my own for that matter.

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