Chapter 47- Listen before I go.

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By the time we had arrived back at Erwin's office I still couldn't get Zeke's words out of my mind. I tried to occupy myself with organising Erwin's papers and folding some of his laundry but even then his words still flooded my head.

"Erwin!" Hange burst through the office door causing both myself and Erwin to jump in shock.

"Yes, Hange? What is it?" He inquired his face full of concern.

"The MP's are here.... Theyre looking to arrest y/n..." They responded their face equally full of worry.

"What..." I put down the laundry I was holding on the table confused as to what was happening.

"Moblit is doing his best to stall them but they won't wait forever. They know you're here." Hange locked eyes with me. This was no prank. Not that I had thought it was.

I was stunned into silence.

"Tell them she's on her way down. She's just getting her things." Erwin responded Hange nodded and exited running down the hall.

"D-did you...." I turned to Erwin who appeared a lot calmer than me.

"No... I would-" I cut him off

"You told them....didn't you..." I covered my mouth with my hands my eyes welling with tears.

"Y/n believe me when I say I had nothing to do with this." Erwin pleaded with me.

"I thought.... I thought that we could get past this... I thought you'd forgiven me!" I felt so betrayed. I was a fool.

"I have forgiven you. I don't know what is happening but I promise we'll fix this." How could he be so confident?

"Fix it how Erwin? You can't just hand me over to them! They'll lock me up you know this!" I thought the commander would know the laws. But clearly he thought he could weasel his way around them.

"I'm sorry but you'll just have to go with them for now. We had this problem before with eren and-" I cut him off again.

"Sorry...can't save me now..." I turned away shaking my head. Apologies were useless.

"What do you mean... We really can sort this out I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding or we'll convince them that you're in our custody and then they'll release you." Erwin placed a hand on my shoulder which I shrugged off.

"Can you.... Tell the cadets that I'm sorry....and...I'll miss them..." Tears flooded my eyes and dribbled down my cheeks.

"Y/n. You're acting as if you're going away forever. That's not the case. Now come on. Dry those tears. I promise, I won't let anything bad happen to you. But you need to trust me." He cupped my cheek brushing the tears from it.

"But I am going away forever. You don't honestly expect me to just stay here and rot in a cell do you? I have to go home don't you see?" I sighed. There was no way out.

"But I thought this was your home..." Erwin's voice saddened

"So did I..." I walked over to my bag and began to shove my things inside closing it and buckling the straps that held it closed.

"Y/n... Please let's not leave it on this note. I'll see you in a few days you have my word." He tried to draw my attention back to him but I was focused on getting out.

"You won't. I'm leaving Erwin." I said strongly. I was no pushover.

"Y/n please... I love you... I don't want you to leave me again... Please.." He begged and pleaded but it was no good.

"You've left me no choice!" I yelled " You or someone else reported me and now my cover is blown and I have to go! Everything I did. The things I risked. All for nothing! Literally... Nothing. Even when if I make it home I doubt I'll keep my job. Are you satisfied?" Erwin seemed  as if he wasn't sure what else to say.

Loud thundering footsteps hurtled down the corridor. I was out of time.

I ran to the window shoving it open and clambering out onto the narrow ledge.
Erwin sat down at his desk not even turning his head to me

"Stay safe y/n...." He murmured as his office door flung open and I dropped down onto the street below. It was a bigger drop than I was expecting and despite bending my knees upon impact my ankle throbbed as I stood up and took off running.

Yells came from Erwin's office followed by the sounds of trampling feet coming after me. I'd never make it to the wall in this condition I changed direction heading for Stefan's home instead. It was about time I paid him a visit and I was sure he'd help me lay low for an hour or two until my ankle felt a bit better.

This was sure to be an awkward encounter but I hoped that he might be at least a little happy to see me. I dodged around corners before slipping between two buildings. As they ran past I counted their numbers. 22....23....24... And at the back jogging at a slower pace the one who I assumed to be their leader. A scruffy middle aged man with floppy dark hair and a sparse beard. Despite appearing the lazier of the bunch he appeared to be way more observant. He slowed to a walk nearing my hiding spot. He appeared to be listening for something. He turned his head towards me and our eyes locked.

In my mind I pleaded for him not to notice me but I knew it was too late.
My eyes welled with tears. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in a cell. Or worse die at the hands of the Military Police.

His eyes were soft. Different from that of his face. They seemed to show an understanding, almost like he felt sorry for me. He turned his eyes away. And began to walk off. There was no way he was just going to let me go.... Surely not.

Maybe the MP's were more corrupt that I had realised. I took my chance and ran for it. Back down the alley and banged on Stefan's door as loud as I could praying that he wasn't out. He answered the door  his curls a mess atop his head as if he'd just woken up from a long nap.
"Why so loud..." He groaned rubbing his eyes yawning sleepily. When his vision cleared his eyes widened.

"Y/n...." He whispered in disbelief.

"I need a place to hide!" I blurted out. My face red from running.

He moved aside ushering me in.
"Make yourself at home. It's good to see you."

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now