Chapter Fifteen - Secret Getaway

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Padme froze in his arms, Did he really just say that?

Anakin cupped her cheek, brushing back a few stray locks. "I know what you're thinking. We haven't known each other for very long and this...relationship, it's all so new for the both of us but just here me out."

"As much as it pains me to think about, Foster's saying you won't be here as long as I'd like... I want to make the most of these next six months and I want to do it as your husband, if you'll have me."

She noticed the slightest blush creep onto his cheeks, which she found adorable. "I don't know what to say..." He leaned down and kissed her softly, his lips meeting her own. After a moment, he pulled back as they both panted slightly.

"All you have to say is yes, Angel..."

"Well, I'm gonna say okay, okay?"


A few days later, the couple managed to sneak off Coruscant and make it all the way to Varykino, Naboo unnoticed. Anakin had convinced Padme that a shotgun wedding was the perfect thing for their unique situation. So he leased out a lake house, booking it for the remainder of his vacation time.

He gave Padme his credit card and let her pick out the flowers, her wedding dress along with a few other extra items. They would not only spend their wedding night here but also their honeymoon, something that seemed to excite her more than anything.

After landing and taking their luggage indoors, the couple parted ways and began to get ready for the ceremony.

Padme's dress laid across a chaise lounge in her room. It was completely covered by white lace and was a form-fitting dress that seemed to mold to her body. She expected it to be tight but she didn't expect it to be perfect.

For her hair and veil, Padme thought is was best if her hair was just down and natural. She pinned the veil onto her head before taking a look in the full-length mirror. If someone had told her about a week ago that she'd be getting married, she wouldn't have believed them.

She couldn't believe that she was really doing it though. Padme never pictured herself getting married to anyone, let alone the next Emperor...

A knock came from the door; she simply continued making adjustments to her dressed as she called whomever in. It was the pastor who Vader had spoken to on the holo when they first decided to leave.

"Since the father won't be able to be here, I thought I might do the honor?" The old man smiled at her, offering his arm.

"It would be my honor, Father Roman..." As she slipped her arm into his, Padme felt nothing but peace and that nothing could get better than this moment.


Anakin stood out on the terrace, awaiting his beautiful bride to walk out with the Pastor. The sun had began it's final decent so the skies were beginning to turn amber and gold above him. Just when he was about to go looking for the old man, the pastor walked out and down the short stairs. He held his breath when Padme emerged.

She looked beautiful in her gown, never looking more angelic. He had never been so happy to give his life to anyone.

His Angel carefully walked over to him with the pastor, their eyes locked the whole way. Father Roman handed her off to Anakin as he took his place behind them.

"Before we begin here, I give you my word that my lips are sealed. If any soul finds out about this union, it will not have been because of my self. Also, you two are aware that to be recognized as a married couple, two people along with myself are needed to be present."

As if on cue, an astromech droid rolled out with a protocol on his tail.

"These droids are a gift from the church, may they serve you well in the coming years." He smiled at them, grinning from ear to ear.

"Now, let's get you two married, shall we?"

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