Chapter Ten - Show Stopper

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"Good Evening Everyone..."

Vader stood in the massive ballroom, a single spotlight illuminating his masculine figure on stage. He hated public speaking more than anything else. As he glanced over his shoulder, he could barely see Padme standing in the wings, smiling softly at him.

You can do it, Vader! She thought to him, knowing that he would hear her.

A smile of relief tugged at his lips and a newfound confidence filled him. Looking back at the crowd, Vader began his speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to personally welcome you to the first annual imperial ball. Tonight, we gather in honor of the Late Emperor Palpatine..."

"Emperor Palpatine, may he rest in peace..." The whole crowd muttered softly to no one inparticular. It brought a familiar memory to his mind, the night he met his Angel...

"That's right, may he rest at peace in the force. Alright, so I'm supposed to give a long speech about what a great man he was, how he was like a father to me and so on... If it's the same to all of you, I'd actually like to do something a little different. Without him, I wouldn't - we all wouldn't - be standing here tonight. If he had never rescued me from the slavers on Tatooine, I wouldn't have become the man I am today..."

He looked over the crowd, searching for his four most trusted comrades who were hidden in the sea of people.

"I wouldn't know all of the wonderful men and women that serve the Empire... I wouldn't have met the two soldiers who are like brothers to me... Blast, I wouldn't have met Tarkin, who educated me properly, as he put it, when it comes to etiquette and dignity!"

A small wave of chuckles rolled through the crowd as Tarkin gave a slight wave, a smug smile across his face.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is this. Without him, I wouldn't be the man I am today. So for that, I thank him. I'll never be able to repay him for everything he's not only done for me personally but for the impact he and his empire have had on my life."

The audience cheered for him, some even hootin' and hollerin' at the tops of their lungs. As he found the sources, Vader found himself laughing at the soldiers who followed Cody and Rex in their celebration.

"Haha, alright... Before I get a chance to greet everyone, I'd like to personally introduce this evening's angel..."

As he turned towards the wings, Padme seemed to glide over the stage's surface. With his hand extended out to her, Vader gracefully guided her up by microphone. Their smiles captivated eachother while the audience focused on the obvious chemistry between them. It was a sight that made everyone attending notice how Vader had a softer side to him, along with a face under that hood!

"My apologies, Ladies and Gentlemen. Lord Vader seems to be delusional this evening. I'm most certainly not an ang-"

"When she looks like this though, how can you not think that?" He gave her a spin, pulling her to his side.

Padme gave an effortless smile to the whole room but her eyes were twinkling only at Vader. "Anyways, I'd like to thank all of you for coming tonight. Before the band and I kick things off, I would just like to thank the officials who granted me the honor of performing tonight. Of course, Lord Vader was a big help..."

Vader chuckled and kissed her temple, hugging her close before grabbing the microphone.

"Let the ball begin!" He turned to Padme and bowed, kissing her hand. "Take it away, Angel!"

As the band got set and the singers hummed their starting notes, Padme took the microphone off the stand. "How are y'all doin' this fine evening?" The audience chuckled, their voices humming in approval.

Towards the corner of soldiers, Padme could see two of them standing on chairs.


The audience broke into a fit of laughter along with Padme, her melodic giggles flowing through the speakers.

Vader hurried over to Rex and Cody, ushering them off the chairs. "Get down, soldier..." He groaned to himself. "Of all the things you boys could do to embarrass me, you go after embarrassing her..."

Before he could continue scolding them and just as both Rex and Cody could complain about Vader's uptightness, the band started playing the opening song.

"She was lost... In so many different ways. Out in the darkness with no guide... I know the cost... Of a losing hand there. Oh by the Grace of God, oh I..."

Vader smiled to himself; her voice was the only thing keeping him calm in the stressful atmosphere. Admiral Prett and his wife, a lime Twi'lek named Mai'yah, strolled up to the young sith lord. Wearing a muted silver, halter gown that showed off her electric green back, Mai'yah looked as elegant as ever along side her husband, who wore a matching silver tie.

They greeted each other and soon, all the officials were chatting it up and enjoying the beautiful music.

As Padme was about to finish the opening song, she locked eyes with Vader while hitting the high note.

"Ave Maria..." The crowd cheered for her and the band, Vader and the soldiers being the loudest. Padme had this charming twinkle in her eye as she curtseyed.

"Welcome to the Ball..."

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