Chapter Seven - Sing for Me

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Padme turned around to face Vader who was already smirking down at her. She raised her hand and playfully slapped his arm.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"I have no memory of such conversation, therefore it didn't happen. Now," He turned his attention back to the officials. "Padme, I'd like to introduce you to Admiral Prett, Moff Tarkin, Commander Cody and Captain Rex."

She gave them a small smile and slight wave, suddenly feeling very shy of these men.

"Gentlemen, please stop ogling at her and say hello to the beautiful Padme Amidala."

Suddenly, the group shared a round of chuckles. "Our most humblest apologies, Milady," Prett stepped forward and kissed Padme's hand, a customary greeting from his home world. "When Vader told us about you... Well, let's just say his extravagant description of you doesn't even begin to prepare us..."

"Can we get on with this?" Tarkin hissed, a long scowl across his face. "Vader, bring the girl in here so we can get on with it."

Vader guided Padme in by the small of her back. Rex walked along Vader's free side while Cody walked along Padme's.

"Wow boss," Rex gave his shoulder a shake.

"You sure know how to pick 'em." Cody finished, sending Padme a wink.

"Oh, no it's not like tha-" She couldn't finish her explanation because both of soldiers broke out into hearty laughter. Vader slapped the back of Rex's head, letting go of Padme's back just long enough for him to slap Cody's simultaneously.

"Shut up, you idiots. Now, have you guys come up with her audition song or does she get to choose?"

Prett and Tarkin shared a glace while both Rex and Cody just shrugged. Sighing, Vader took Padme by the hand and helped her up the stage's stairs. "Angel, just sing something you know of the top of your head. Tell the band and the back up girls then knock 'em dead, okay?"

"As you say, Lord Vader." Padme sent him a soft smile before turning around and heading towards the back of the stage. He took his seat in the middle of the table, the officials to his left and the soldiers to his right.

"This better be worth my time," Tarkin whispered, resting his head on his palm.

"Shut up, ya old geezer.." Rex huffed as he leaned back and crossed his arms. Cody chuckled softly along side him.

Prett pinched the bridge of his nose. "What a fabulous group we are..."

"Quite the bunch we are, wouldn't yo-" Vader stopped midsentence as the sound of violins filled the air.

"So much pressure... Why so loud? If ya don't like my song, you can turn it down-"

"Cut the strings!" Tarkin stood up and yelled towards the band. "Cut it!"

Padme was shocked; why was she being cut off? What did she do? "Excuse me, Mr. Tarkin?"

He ignored her, continuing over to the stage and snapping his fingers at the back up singers. "Go home and drink tea, rest your voices."

Vader had just about enough of this. "Tarkin," He hissed. "What in Sith Hell are you doing?"

Tarkin turned back and gave him a slight smile. "For once in your life, trust me on this."

As soon as the band and back up singers left, Padme and the officials were left alone in the ballroom. "Now," Tarkin took his seat at the table again. "Can you take a guess as to why I just did that?"

"Cause you're a prick?" Vader muttered under his breath. "Or is it because you want to be an ass?"

"Neither, watch your tongue Vader."

Padme thought about it for a moment. "Is it because you didn't like the song?" To that, Tarkin shook his head. She thought about it a little more.

"You didn't like my voice?"

Tarkin laughed at this, something that startled Vader and the other officials. Tarkin never laughed. Ever. As he calmed down, he slowly regained his composure.

"Your voice and the song you chose were perfectly fine-"

Vader stood up and slammed his fists on the table, causing Padme to gasp. "Then why did you stop her?!"

"Because... I want to hear her, not the band. Sing for us again, this time a cappella, so we can hear you..."

Padme was stunned a little, the whole situation nearly gave her a heart attack. She just nodded at him, grabbing one of the back up singers' mic stands. Returning to center stage, she placed her microphone on it before taking a deep breath.

Vader relaxed back in his chair, somewhat calmer now that Padme was getting her true chance. As he looked up at her, he could see how nervous she felt.

"Relax, Angel... Just pretend you're out at the creek again... You got this..." He sent her a reassuring smile, something Prett and the soldiers didn't miss.

She sent him a smile of gratitude before beginning to sing again.

"I don't need, to fall at your feet..." Her voice had this breathy tone to it. "Just cause you cut me to the bone... And I don't miss, the way that you kiss me, baby... We were never carved in stone..."

The officials all, one at a time, closed their eyes and just focused on her voice.

"If I don't listen to the talk of the town... Then maybe I can fool myselfff..." She held out the last syllable, taking it up slightly in a vocal run.

"I'll get over you... I know I will... I'll pretend my ship's not sinkin'... And I'll tell myself, I'm over you... 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking..." She took one final breath, pushing it out on the last line.

"..I'm the king of wishfullll," She gave them a shy smile. "Thinking..."

All five men, led by Vader of course, stood up and applauded her. While the officials were deciding on whether or not to hire her, Vader met her over at the stage stairs.

"That was amazing, angel!" He helped her down the stairs before pulling her into his arms. "I knew you could do it..."

Padme just wrapped her arms around his neck a little tighter. "Thank you..." He pulled back enough to see her face, an eyebrow raised.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because you had faith in me when I didn't have faith in myself..."

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