Chapter Twenty-Two - Short and Sweet

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The twins froze in their parents' arms, shocked by the truth. Anakin felt crushed as if he just lost his children already before he even got the chance to have them. Padme slowly rocked Luke in his arms, carefully taking Leia as she crawled out of Anakin's arms.

"When I first met your father, I was scared too. I thought he had come to yell at me or worse but I was soon proven wrong. The next morning, I woke up curled up next to him and in that moment, I knew he wasn't the same Vader everyone feared." She lifted her gaze to her husband, his blue eyes slowly meeting hers.

"I knew that morning I was going to fall for him. I was gonna fall hard and I didn't even care. I knew he was going to protect me and I would be safe with him. He's so sweet and caring... Just give him a chance, I can guarantee you won't regret it."

Both of the twins looked up at him. Silently, they crawled out of Padme's arms and into Anakin's lap. Both of them wrapped their arms around his torso and that alone brought tears to his eyes. He dipped his head down and kissed the crowns of their heads. "I love you kids... I love you so much..."

"We love you too, Daddy..."


The next morning came all too soon. Anakin woke up to Padme on top of him and each twin had one of his arm's as a pillow. The feeling he had waking up to that sight was just as delightful to the first time he woke up with Padme in his arms. An annoying beeping sound brought his spirits down as it buzzed on the dresser. Using the force, he levitated all three of his sleepy angels up so he could get out of bed.

Carefully, he lowered them back down and covered them up. With a kiss on each forehead, Anakin turned around and grabbed the comlink from the dresser as he headed outside onto the balcony.

"This is Vader..." He answered the call.

Prett's voice came from the other line. "Lord Vader, I know you're on vacation with Padme but you're coronation has been pushed up from this weekend to tomorrow, thanks to Tarkin."

The comlink sounded like it had been snatched before another voice came through. "The people of the Empire need their Emperor! It's been over a year now and we need to get this over with! We expect you back on Coruscant by tomorrow at 08:00 hours! Prett and Tarkin out." With that, the call was cut and Vader nearly crushed the link.


Anakin snapped out of it and turned around to see Leia peeking out from behind the curtains. "It's alright, Sweetheart. You can come out here with me..." She immediately raised her arms as she walked up to him. He happily picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "How did you sleep?"

"Good, I wish I woke up next to my Daddy though." Only a day and Anakin already could tell she was gonna be a Daddy's girl. "Well, I would've been in there with you and the other angels but Daddy had to take a call." He silently crept back into the room with Leia on his hop to see Padme and Luke waking up.

"Good morning, Son." He greeted setting Leia down by the sleepy-eyed blond. Anakin then creepy around the bed and slid in on the free side next to his wife. She slowly opened her eyes, seeing him right above her.

"Good morning, Angel..." He bent down and kissed her sweetly. As he pulled away, he could hear Luke gagging and Leia fawning over them. Padme scooted over and laid on top of his chest again, closing her eyes.

"I thought we had an agreement that you would be my pillow?"

"Prett called me, my coronation is tomorrow night." She propped herself up to look at him. "What? We have to leave today?" He pulled her lips to his. "We'll load up after dinner and takeoff at dusk. We still have a whole day to relax and enjoy ourselves..."

Luke couldn't help but chime in. "Can we go to the beach, Mommy?" Leia started bouncing up and down behind him. "Please Daddy, can we go?"

"Why not?" He smiled at them, promising himself to make this a day they'll remember.

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