Chapter Eight - The Fun's Only Just Begun

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Of course, just as Vader predicted, Padme impressed the Imperials enough for them to let her sing at the ball. The rest of that day was spent talking about songs and a lesson in stage etiquette.

With three days until the ball, there was a lot of preparation left for Padme's debut. The wardrobe was left up to the handmaidens but Vader only instructed them that her hair was to be down and whatever dress she wore was black.

Two days before the ball, Vader took the whole day off to help Padme learn how to dance. She wore a denim shirt-dress with black tights and a pair of high heels he had requested from the parlor. Together, they danced in the living area of Vader's suite.

"Step back," Vader instructed her. "Step forward. No, the foot... Blast it, Padme!"

She groaned, letting go and walking away from him. "This is pointless! I can't dance and your efforts are pointless!" Padme stood next to the window, looking out at the slave district in the distance. Ironically enough, the place that brought her the most pain gave her the calmest sense of peace possible.

Vader walked up behind her, placing his arms on her shoulders. He felt waves of peace rolling off of her, giving him the same sense. "Angel, I'm sorry," He sighed, slowly wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"I just want to be able to dance with you at the ball..."

Padme turned around in his arms, a confused expression on her face. "If I'm singing at the ball, how am I supposed to dance with you? Besides, wouldn't your date get upset if she saw us dancing together?" Vader was taken back by her second question, did she really think that?

Vader pulled her flush against his torso, smiling down at her beneath his hood. "First off, the officials have another singer taking over right before the imperial waltz is played. That means you'll be done for the night and free to dance with me..."

Before she could ask another question, he put a finger to her lips. "Secondly, I was hoping you would be my date..."

Padme pushed her way out of his arms and went over to the bed. She sat down on the edge it, the plush black comforter seeming to swallow up her waistline. "I don't understand why you're being this way towards me... I understand the job but the affections and the attention... Not to mention the fact you're letting me stay with you in your suite... What's your angle?"

Vader was shocked, completely and utterly shocked. "You really don't get it, do you?" He walked over and took a knee, both of them at eye level.

"Apparently not so please, by all means, tell me what it is I don't ge-" Suddenly his lips were on hers; he's kissing me! Darth Vader is forcin' kissing me!

Vader put his hand behind her neck to keep her from pulling away. She was kissing him back but she was still rigid. Her lips were soft and sweet; the kiss they shared was warm.

Not only was this the first of many kisses they would share but for each of them as individuals, this was the first kiss Padme and Vader had ever received.

After a moment, he finally pulled away as both of them were panting lightly. "That..." He breathed, resting forehead against hers. "That is sorta how I feel about you..."

"You don't even know me..." She countered.

"Than I'll get to know you..."

Padme shook her head and stepped past him, walking back over to the space where they were practicing. She held her arms open, motioning for him to come over to her. As he got up, he had a wonderful idea.

"I think we can get away with not doing the waltz if it at least looks like we're dancing..." Before she could question him, he stepped up to her and demonstrated.

Vader pulled her to his chest, her head resting against his pectoral. He took her right hand in his left then held them both over his heart. His right hand rested on her waist while she held her left arm out as if she was holding her skirt. Slowly but surely, they stepped out then together again as they turned. The whole time, Vader and Padme locked their eyes on each other.

"See," He whispered. "We can do this."

She smiled up at him. "Are you talking about the dance or something else?"

He pulled her closer and dipped her to one side, the motion flawlessly smooth. "Perhaps both..."

Their faces were extemely close so this time, Padme tilted her head up and kissed his soft lips with her own. As their lips parted, Vader spun her out then pulled her back in as they continued to dance.

"Ya know Angel, I could get used to having you around..."

"I think you already have..."

"Probably. Now, let's take it from the top..."

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