Chapter Nineteen - Meet the Kids

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Meena led the couple down the main corridor out to a courtyard that seemed to be in the middle of the building. There were two kids kicking a black and white spotted ball back and forth.

Meena stopped them just inside the shadows, lowering her voice down.

"These are the only twins that are left here at the orphanage. They're background is really unknown; no one knows where they came from or who they belonged too. All we do know is they're both around seven years of age and that they are named Luke and Leia, no last names. The girl is shy and quiet whereas her brother is fiercely protective of her and the talker of the pair. I'll let you two go meet them and in a little bit, I'll be back for your decision. Take you're time though, these kids never really get much interaction from anyone but myself..."

Slowly but surely, Anakin led Padme by the hand out into the open. He felt that the boy was strong in the force, his signature like a beacon to the young sith lord. The girl was force sensitive but not like the boy; she was fragile. The boy picked up on the oncoming visitors, motioning for his sister to get behind him. "Leia, come here!" The girl dashed the short distance over to him, her long curls flowing behind her like a flag. He stood in a defensive stance in front of her, his protectiveness impressing Anakin.

"Who are you?" He demanded. "Does Mother Meena know you're here?"

Anakin held his hands up in surrender, instinctively putting Padme behind him. "Yes, she led us here. My name's Anakin and this is my wife, Padme. Can we talk to you guys?"

Leia popped out from behind her brother at the same time Padme peeked around the side of her husband. The little girl gasped and hid behind her brother again, causing the young woman to giggle. "Awe, aren't you just the cutest, little thing!" She stepped out from behind her husband and crouched down beside him.

Much to everyone's surprise, Leia ran out from behind Luke and nearly tackled Padme in a hug.

Her twin snapped out of his momentary shock, a scowl gracing his features. "Leia, you get back over here right now!"

She turned around, still keeping her arms around Padme's neck. "Lukey, they seem like nice people! Plus, the momma is really pretty!" The little girl's enthusiasm brought a smirk to Anakin's face as he saw his Angel blush.

Luke looked at the couple then back at his sister, slowly letting his guard down. He sat down with his legs crossed, watching the man in front of him do the same. "What did Mother Meena tell you about us?"

"All we know is that you two are twins and your names are Luke and Leia." Anakin put an arm behind his wife, leaning back a little with one leg outstretched. "She also said you guys are around seven years old."

"Did Momma Meena tell you about where she found us?" Leia had made herself comfortable in Padme's arms. "No she didn't, Sweet Pea." She gently caressed the little girl's cheek.

Luke crossed his arms. "If you've got time, we can tell you about it."

Anakin gave the boy a gentle smile. "Let's hear it then..."

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