Chapter Five - Good Morning, Sunshine

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Padme thought about it for a moment before nodding. A light chuckle escaped Vader as the two both had light smiles on their faces.

"Now," He rubbed her forearms up and down. "Do you have a hooded cloak you can wear?"

Instead of answering, Padme hurried over to her closet and pulled out her green cloak. "Will this work, Master?" Vader was taken aback by what she called him, Surely she doesn't think...

"One, yes your cloak is fine. Two, I am not your master. When we are alone, you will call me Vader until I decide otherwise. When we are in public or around the other officials, you are to call me Lord Vader." He then turned and began to assist Padme as she pulled on her cloak. He held her hair up while she fastened the cloak around her shoulders, both facing each other.

"Come," He offered her his arm as she pulled up the hood and adjusted her hair. After Padme slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, Vader led her out of her dorm and outside where a hover car was waiting for them.

Little did they know upon slipping inside, both Padme and Vader just began a new chapter in their lives... Together...



"Angel... We're here..."

Vader gently shook her shoulder but Padme was a deep sleeper; it was hard to wake her up. He sighed to himself, shaking his head at her. She's going to be the death of me, He inwardly smiled at her.

Vader slid out of the hover car, a trooper holding the cab door open for him. He turned back around and pulled her into his arms, carrying her bridal style. The trooper saluted him before heading back around to the driver's side.

"Thanks Axel," Vader called over his shoulder before heading inside and up to his suite.


"Mmmmm.." Padme rolled over, stretching out over the bed.


Padme shot up from the pillow, now fully awake, as she sat up and looked around her room. She remembers falling asleep against Vader's shoulder in the hovercraft but she doesn't remember anything after leaving the slave district. Before she could react, the bed dipped beside her.

An arm went around her shoulders and pilled her back down into the sheets. Stifling a gasp, Padme lay ridgid as Vader shifted in his sleep. With his head buried in her curls as he laid on her shoulder, Vader slept peacefully. Padme on the other hand laid their half comfortable, half on edge. She felt warm laying with him but at the same time, this man wasn't an ordinary man.

Vader was her boss, her new master...

He slowly woke up, his arms tightening around her. While he had a tired smile on his face, a blank look graced Padme's features. His blue eyes cracked open, slowly adjusting to the sunlight.

He slowly sat up on one elbow, keeping his other arm around her. "Good Morning Angel," Vader smiled at her. Padme was speechless; she was seeing him without his hood, she could see his face!

"Good Morning Vader..." She gazed up at his cerulean blue eyes, shocked at how such an intimidating figure could have such warm eyes. His blonde hair was long and wavy as it hung around his neck. His features were sharp yet soft enough that his handsomeness was all natural.

Vader chuckled, looking down at her. Most people would look awful in the morning but she was an exception; her bed head and morning face were beautiful.

"Don't look so shocked, Angel. You'll be seeing more of my unhooded handsomeness as time goes on," Vader smirked at her, an air of arrogance surrounding him.

Padme found herself laughing at his antics. "Unhooded handsomeness? My, aren't we confident!" Vader pretended to look serious, trying to keep down his laughter.

"You think I'm handsome?"

"I never said tha-"

"You didn't deny it though."

Padme's ivory cheeks burned a soft crimson. Vader laughed out loud this time, a massive smile on his face. Slowly but surely, a quiet giggle and a soft smile came from her.

For the first time in a long time, both of them had a good morning together.

"Ya know, I could get use to mornings like this..."

"Me too, Vader... Me too..."

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