Chapter Twenty-Six - Crowned and Singing Softly

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The throne room was filled with representatives from all across the galaxy, each and every official dressed in their home world's finest. Imperial officials all adorned their pins and their crispest uniforms, giving them the sharp edge of sophistication. Soldiers stood at ease, lining the center aisle as they awaited the royal family's arrival.

At the front of the room stood Prett, Tarkin and the Pope from Mandelore; Rex and Cody stood on either side of the aisle facing each other.

Soon, royal trumpets sounded as the double doors opened to reveal Lord and Lady Vader.Behind them were their children, Luke and Leia, who adorned rose gold circlets atop their heads.

As they walked down the aisle to the Pope, Vader felt himself grow nervous as he and his wife past through the tunnel of saluting troops. This is really happening... As they approached the steps to the four imperial thrones, he took a knee beside his wife on the stairs.

The Pope then carefully placed crowns on each of their heads, saying a blessing prayer as her gently set them atop their heads.

As they rose from the step, he took Padme by the hand and helped her climb the short staircase to the thrones. The twins walked behind them, hand in hand with smiles on their faces.

Vader took a seat in the massive throne on the left, allowing Padme to sit at his right. Leia sat in the smaller throne behind her father while Luke sat behind his mother. All four of them had soft smiles and pleasant expressions.

The Pope handed Vader a golden orb as well as a matching gold specter that reached the floor.

"Do you, Lord Vader, solemnly swear to uphold the rights of the people, the principals of the Empire and rule by example?"

"I solemnly swear it. I will rule as the voice of the people." Out of the corner of his blue eye, he could see the warm gaze from his wife.

"Do you, Lady Vader, solemnly swear to rule alongside your husband as his wife, empress and fellow ruler?"

"I solemnly swear it. I will rule by his side until the day I die." A little voice in the back of his head reminded Vader just how soon that was supposed to be.

"By the power invested in me," The holy man spoke, dipping his fingers into a vial of holy water. "By the Empire, Galaxy and Mother Goddess..." He pressed his fingers onto each of their foreheads and heart before stepping back.

"I hereby pronunce you Emperor and Empress!"


Later that evening, another ball was to be held in honor of the coronation. While Padme got all dolled up in the master fresher, Anakin took it upon himself to put the twins to bed. After helping them bathe, dressing them and brushing their teeth, he finally managed to get them into the massive king bed.

"Alright my darlings, Mommy and I are going to be at the ball tonight and we won't be back upstairs until you two are already asleep. Uncle Rex and Uncle Cody are outside so you are safe and more importantly, you two aren't able to get into any trouble while we're gone."

Leia reached up and room ahold of her father's hand, batting her long eyelashes at him. "Daddy, we don't want a story tonight. Will you sing us a lullaby?"

"Yeah Daddy," Padme drawled from inside the fresher. "Will you sing them a lullaby?"

Anakin sighed at them, shaking his head at the girls. "Should I give them what they want, Luke?" The boy only nodded, yawning as he snuggled further into his mother's side.

"Alright then..." He cleared his throat and stretched out on top of the comforter next to Leia. "Only because you're my princess..." He kissed the top of her head before leaning his head back against the headboard.

"I wanted you to know... I love the way you laugh! I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away... I keep your photograph... I know it serves me well! I wanna hold you high and steal your pain-"

Padme began to sing along with him, harmonizing with his rough voice. "'Cause I'm broken, when I'm open... And I don't feel like I'm strong enough... 'Cause I'm broken, when I'm lonesome... And I don't wanna feel right when you're gone away..."

She raised her voice up, singing the melody an octave higher then him. "You've gone away... You don't feel me here anymore..." Anakin looked over to see the twins fast asleep, Luke's mouth slightly ajar. Careful as to not wake either one of them up, he slipped out of bed and tucked them each in with a kiss on their foreheads.

As he lowered the lights, Padme snuck out of the bathroom with her shoes in hand. "Ready?"

"I'm ready to see you in the light; Come on..."

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