Chapter Twenty-Three - Surprise, Surprise

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A total of two picnics, four games of chicken, one accident that happened to Padme (thanks to Anakin) and a nap in the shade took place during the Skywalkers' beach trip. After a quick bite to eat, Padme and Anakin packed up everything they brought with them. As the family flew away just minutes later, Luke and Leia grew tired in the cockpit.

"Why don't you three go get in bed?" Anakin suggested from the pilot seat. The twins nodded and began heading towards the cabin while Padme hung back for a second. "I'll be right back, okay?" She kissed his cheek and went to tuck the twins in before he could protest.

As she opened the cabin door, she was pleasantly surprised to see the twins already dressed for bed. "My, aren't you two big kids?" Padme helped them finished getting ready for bed then tucked them in. While they were getting settled into the covers, Padme changed in the fresher into her sleep clothes and told them a short story. "Daddy and I will be in the cockpit if you need something, okay? Sweet dreams, my darlings..."

Both of the twins kissed her cheeks before murmuring, "Goodnight, Mommy..." She turned and went back to the cockpit where Anakin had his feet up on the dash.

Pamd returned around and locked the door behind her, shaking her head at him. "Anakin Skywalker, I know you don't have your feet up on that dashboard." He turned around and stopped in his tracks when he saw her. Instead of a night gown, Padme had on a black robe that hugged her figure. "Padme Skywalker, I know you're not teasing me right now."

She chuckled as she casually walked over to him and sat down on his thigh. "I'm not teasing you at all, I just changed into a different set of pajamas." He untied her robe to see a black nightie on underneath. "Angel, wearing this is teasing me..."

"Nonsense, I'm going to stay up here with you all night and I figured you'd be able to stay awake if you had something to look at."

Anakin only chuckled, pulling her even closer in his lap. He brought his lips to hers, gently caressing them with his own. "I set the ship for autopilot, we can go to bed with the twins..."

Padme stood up gracefully, holding his hands. "I guess I'll go change then..." Just as she turned to walk away, he yanked her back into his chest while grabbing her face with his hands.

"Oh no you don't..."


Twelve hours later... (A/N: Spongebob voice)


Anakin woke up to the ship's reminder alarm, telling him that they were coming out of hyperspace near Coruscant. He carefully lifted up his wife and twins up with the force again, waking up like he had just the morning before on Naboo. After tucking them back in, he grabbed his cloak and headed back to the cockpit.

As he sat down in the pilot's seat, the ship pulled out of hyperspace to reveal the city-planet that awaited them. He felt his true self melt away as mentally, Vader was slowly taking over again.

"Rex," He called in, the radio finally getting a good signal from the planet below.

"Vader!" The soldier's voice on the other end happily responded. "Where have you been, sir? We've bee-"

Vader cut him off short, interrupting him before ending the call. "Assemble the other officials and meet me at my private landing platform in an hour. I've got some big news and some special cargo I'd like to share with the four of you. Don't be late."

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