Chapter Eleven - Connections at the Dinner Table

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In the first hour of the ball, Padme and the band rocked the crowd with a handful of songs from all genres. After bowing and dismissing everyone else, Padme let one of the waiters announce dinner. Vader met her halfway down the stage's stairs.

"You were amazing, Angel." He held her hand while she held her dress up so she could see her feet. "Thanks to you, things are going pretty well. How have the people been, when they spoke to you?"

Vader offered Padme his arm, which she gracefully accepted with a soft smile. "They've been asking about you. Be prepared to be bombarded by questions at the dinner table..."

She only laughed, leaning her head against his arm as they walked over to their respective table. The officials and their dates all sat at a large round table, laughing and chatting amongst themselves.

In a gentlemen like manner, Vader pulled out her chair and pushed it back in once she was seated before sitting to her left. On top of the table, the two joined hands; it was a sweet moment that the officials would never forget.

Mai'yah was the first to greet Padme. "Wow, you're so beautiful and might I say, you've really helped keep the place alive! I was afraid Tarkin would've picked some lame group of dancers as the entertainment!" The old man scoffed, his elderly wife laying a hand on his shoulder.

Vader rubbed his thumb on the back of Padme's hand, smiling at the Twi'lek. "He tried to but the rest of us wanted something actually entertaining."

Rex cleared his throat from beside Padme. "Perhaps we should introduce ourselves; you have me, my girlfriend Ahsoka, Cody, his fiancé Kiara, Tarkin, his wife Maria, Prett and his wife Mai'yah."

"It's lovely to meet you all..." She blushed. "I'm Padme Amidala but I'm sure you've figured that out by now." The table chuckled softly to themselves as the first course was brought out. Vader could sense Padme's nervousness; he removed his hand from hers only to rest it on her thigh.

I'm right here, Padme. He thought to her. I feel so...embarrassed for some reason, She felt her smile drop a little bit. Vader leaned over and pressed his lips to her temple softly.

You shouldn't feel embarrassed; you're the most beautiful woman at the ball and you've got me wrapped around your finger. What more could you possibly need to feel comfortable? Out of the corner of Padme's eye, she could see him smirking at her.

A nice big rock to crawl under.

Vader burst out laughing, drawing some attention from the officials.

"What's so funny, Vader?" Cody asked, puzzled at his boss' sudden outburst.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Let's eat..."


Soon after the meal and an entirely too long of a speech given by Tarkin, the second singer came onto the stage. Wearing a olive green dress and her long red tresses straight, Amelia Pond approached the microphone.

"Hello," Her thick accent flowed through the speakers, reminding Padme of the Scottish isles of Naboo. "I'm Amelia Pond and I will be singing the Imperial waltz this evening. So grab a partner and get onto the dance floor!"

Vader took Padme by the hand and led her to the dance floor, guiding her to the very center. The pianist next to Amelia adjusted his bow tie before begins to play the first few notes. "Have you ever fed a lover...with just your hand?"

The couple on the dance floor stayed in the center as many other pairs waltzed around them. Padme kept her head pressed against his chest while Vader made sure she was glued against him by the small of her back.

"Well Angel, I think it's safe to say that this..." He pushed her out for a spin. When she was back in his embrace, he continued with a smile. "...would have to be the best night of my life."

Padme pulled her head away a bit just so she could lock gazes with him. "I'd have to say same for me too. Ya know, for the next Emperor, you're pretty cool." He chuckled at her as they continued to sway.

"It's only half past...the point of no return. The tip of the iceburg...the sun before the burn. The thunder before the lightning and the breathe before the phrase... Have you ever felt this way..."

Vader turned Padme again, pressing her back into his chest. "So what happens tomorrow?" She asked him, looking up at him over her shoulder. "Worry only about tonight, okay Angel?" He assured her, though she seemed to noticed something was up.

"It's only half past the point of oblivion...The hourglass on the table...the walk before the run. The breath before the kiss and the fear before the phrase, 'have you ever felt this way?'"

Padme tensed slightly as she faced him again. "What are you not telling me? Is something going on?" Suddenly the atmosphere around the was beginning to turn sour. "Vader, you're really starting to scare me..."

Vader nearly let go of her but he kept his arm around her, grasping her other hand with his own. "I'm sorry you feel that way but you're worrying yourself for no reason. There's nothing to fear..."

"But there is something to worry about?"

For the rest of the dance, the two remained silent. Their focus turned to Amelia's breathtaking performance, which was nearing its end.

"Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight? Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight..."

Her pianist companion played a few more notes then joined her in a bow. While the audience cheered for the duo on stage, the duo on the dance floor split ways abruptly as Vader left Padme on the dancefloor.

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