Chapter Sixteen - What a Beautiful Shotgun

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"Dearly beloved," He began. "We are gathered here today to join Anakin Skywalker and Padme Naberrie in Marriage. Marriage is a commitment, not a promise. A promise can be broken whereas commitment cannot. Before the holo-comms, people would promise to call. People would check their hololinks all day long but that didn't mean they'd ever get the opportunity to answer that call."

"This commitment is not to be entered lightly but with careful thought and consideration and with the knowledge that love, loyalty and understanding are the foundation to a happy and enduring home." Roman turned to face Padme, his bible opened and ready.

"Do you, Padme Amidala, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony? Will you love, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Padme smiled up at Anakin, a stray tear falling from her eye. "I do."

Roman turned back to face Vader. "And do you, Anakin Skywalker, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony? Will you love, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

He reached his hand up for a moment, wiping away that stray tear upon her cheek. "I do."

Roman smiled at them. "Please join hands as you will now say your vows and place a ring on the left ring finger." As they joined hands, the Father pulled out two wedding rings Vader had given to him before he went to get Padme.

"First, Padme, you will take this golden band and place it on his finger. Repeat after me," He cleared his throat while handing her the wedding band.

She carefully took Anakin's left hand in her own, sliding the ring onto his finger gently. After it was on all the way, Padme kept a hold on it as she repeated after Roman.

"With this ring," He read out.

"With this ring," She repeated, holding his hand with both of hers.

"I thee wed,"

"I thee wed," Another tear fell down her cheek as she smiled

"With all of my hope," Roman glanced up at them.

"With all of my hope," She copied him.

"With all of my faith," The old Pastor saw the connection between them blossom.

"With all of my faith," Padme felt her voice waver as the tears kept falling from her eyes.

"And with all of my love."

"And with all of my love." With that, she held both of his hands again. Before Roman went onto Anakin, both of the groom's hands wiped away the tears from her cheeks.

"Anakin, I will now hand you Padme's wedding ring. Please slip it onto her finger and then repeat after me."

The diamond ring seemed to glow as Anakin gently glided it across Padme's skin, his full attention on the ring and her watery eyes. His didn't fully register the Father's voice yet somehow, his mouth did.

"With this ring...I thee wed...with all of my hope...with all of my faith...and all of my love."

Roman closed his bible as he looked at the young pair. "Padme and Anakin, you have expressed commitment to one another and exchanged rings to see that commitment. In doing so, you have become Husband and Wife. In accordance with the Lake Country, the beautiful planet of Naboo and by the power invested in me, by the Mother Goddess, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife." He shut his bible.

"You may now kiss the bride..."

With that, Anakin pulled Padme into his arms and dipped her like he had at the ball. As Father Roman walked away, Padme reached up and cupped his jaw.

As their lips met, the two official became Mr. and Mrs. Skywalker.

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