Chapter Four - Propositions

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"Of course sir, please come in."

Padme simply bowed her head as she let him inside. Vader walked into the small dorm, a light smile playing at his lips. "To what do I owe this honor, my Lord?" He turned around and had to tilt his head down to catch a glimpse of her.

"May I sit down? You and I have quite a bit to talk about," He softly asked her. Upon her nodding, Vader took a seat on the edge of her bed. He motioned for her to come closer, which she did, then pulled her into his lap.

It was a normal thing for slave girls so Padme thought nothing of it. Vader on the other hand was enjoying holding her as she sat on his thigh.

"Have I done something wrong, sir?"

Vader chuckled softly to himself, pulling her even closer to his chest. "No my dear, it's more of a proposition I have for you."

Padme looked at him carefully, curious as to why he would offer her anything at all.

"Tell me, when you were out at the creek the other night, why were you there?"

She sat up a little more so she could semi-face him, a little shiver of fear creeping down her spine. "I can explain sir, I didn't know I was doing anything wrong! You see, the washrooms were full and I had to wash not only my own laundry but also my family's. I knew the creek was fresh water so I gathered everything up and went to there so they would have clean clothes. I promise I won't do it again!"

Vader shushed her, guiding her head to his shoulder. "Shhhh... I'm not mad at you and you're not in any trouble... I was there too and I heard you singing..."

Padme felt her cheeks sting with embarrassment; she was sure her cheeks were red as roses. "Was I disturbing you?"

"No, not at all. In fact, your voice is why I'm here this evening." Vader allowed her to sit up more so he could see her face. "In a few days, there will be a ball held at the Imperial Palace in honor of the late Emperor."

As if on cue, Padme sat up and whispered out to no one in particular. "Emperor Palpatine, may he rest in peace..." All slaves we told to do this whenever the late emperor was brought up.

Vader continued with a soft smile. "That's right, my dear. This ball is being held to honor him and that's where you come in. I'd like you to come back with me to the palace tonight so tomorrow, you can sing for some friends of mine..."

Padme stiffened. "I can't..."

Vader raised an eyebrow, his arms tightening around her waist. "Why not?"

"My master wouldn't allow me to miss work tomorrow. He'll whip my back until it's raw if I'm even a minute late, who knows what Ziro will do if I don't show up!"

Vader laughed this time, her nervousness causing him to find Padme even more adorable. "You do realize I'm above him, right? He can't do anything to you if I tell him you're with me."

Padme tilted her slightly, confused at why she of all slaves was getting an opportunity like this. "Why me?"

"Because Padme, you have the voice of an angel. You are an Angel..."

Vader stood up with his arms still wrapped around her. "From now on, you are under my care. Now, shall we go home?"

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