Chapter Eighteen - The Morning After

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I do not write the dirty-dirty things sooo the story continues to the morning after their wedding night. Enjoy!


The Naboo Sun rose early the next morning, dancing between the curtains of the master suite. The happy couple laid tangled in the king-sized bed, the sheet's covering their waists. Padme lay on her stomach, partially sprawled across her husband's chest. Anakin, on the other hand, laid on his back with both of his arms loosely around his wife's petite frame.

Slowly, his blue eyes opened to a bright light coming from the window. Summoning the force, Anakin used it to shut the balcony doors and pull the curtains closed. As the bedroom became a little bit dark, he scoot himself over a bit more so his Angel slept peacefully on his chest.

Memories of last night came to mind and he automatically smiled, absentmindedly running his fingers through her curls...

Padme's brown eyes slowly fluttered open as she felt someone's fingers passing through her hair and grazing her spine. She shivered involuntarily as it felt so relaxing. Slowly but surely, she tilted her head up and rest her chin between on his chest.

She yawned softly, something Anakin found adorable. "Good Morning..."

He pulled the covers up to cover her shoulders. "Good Morning, Sweetheart. Did you sleep okay?" A chuckled escaped his as she just nodded, crawling up and laying her head up on his shoulder. "How about I go make us some breakfast and you stay in bed a little longer?"

She shook her head at this. "No, then I'll be cold and I won't be comfortable anymore." Now Anakin shook with laughter, kissing her temple with a turn of his head.

"Well alright then. Do you wanna talk or go back to sleep?"

"What do you wanna talk about?" Padme reached out took one of his hands in her own.

"How about the future?"

Padme sighed, giving his hand a squeeze. "By future, you mean the next few months?"

Anakin moved from laying on his back to laying on his side, propping his head up with an elbow. Padme now laid on her back, clutching the sheets her chest. He brushed his hand over her cheek, smiling softly.

"I meant the future of our family." He paused for a moment. "What do you think about adopting kids?"

Padme thought about it for a moment, considering the idea over. "I want two no matter what we do. A boy and a girl, no more no less."


She smiled at him, nodding. "Well then," Anakin leaned down. "Why don't we start looking for the twins today?" Padme pulled his head down, meeting him halfway with a kiss.

"I don't know, what will Prett and the officials think when we come back? Not only are we going back as a married couple but we would also come back with two little ones. Shouldn't you talk them about it first?"

Anakin simply pressed his lips to hers again, not wanting to worry about the Empire for a while. He summoned a tunic and some loose pants from his bag, gently pulling away from her. "It's our family, not theirs. They may not like it or they may think it's wonderful; I don't care. I want to be happy for once and I could care less if they're not. All that matters to me is you and our family, however big or small it may be."

He sat up and slid on the pants while tossing Padme the tunic. After they both were decent enough, he took her by the hand and led her down to the kitchen. Padme looped his arm around her shoulder, a bright smile on her face.

"You'll never be able to understand how much you mean to me. I love you, Anakin..."

"I love you too, Padme... Forever and Always..."


A few hours later, a fresh-looking Anakin and Padme were walking towards the Theed Orphanage. After showering and getting dressed, the pair decided that they would at least visit the home to start looking for their twins.

Anakin wore a loose brown shirt with some brown pants and dark leather boots, giving him the appearance of your average man instead of the Galaxy's next Emperor. Padme was dressed in a rose-gold, skater skirt and floral crop top, her wild chocolate curls flowing down her back.

As they entered the orphanage, they were greeted by silence which caught them off guard a little. "It's quiet," He noted, resting his hand on the small of her back. "Too quiet," She agreed. Just as she was about to call out, a short blonde woman scrurried into the foyer.

"Welcome to Theed's Home for Children! My name is Meena La'Dae, I'm the den mother; how can I help you?" Her green eyes seemed to glow but it was her shrill voice that was the most off putting for both of the Skywalkers.

"We're looking to adopt twins," Padme replied sweetly, trying to keep a smile on her face. "It looks like you're fresh out of kids though, where are they?" Anakin raised an eyebrow at the petite woman.

"Nonsense, we had an adoption event about a week ago and only a handful of kids didn't get to go to a new home. If you'll come with me, I think we might just have the twins you're looking for..."

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