Chapter Forty-Five - Prayers and Second Chances

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Two days later at sunset, the Skywalker's laid outside in their lounger. A beautiful statue of an angel cast a beautiful silhouette in the distance. The balcony was peaceful and a comfortable silence fell over the three of them. As the sun was beginning to disappear over the horizon, Anakin cleared his throat and rubbed each of the twins' backs as they laid together.

"Children, should we say a prayer to your mother before we go to bed?" As they both just nodded, the three of them closed their eyes and bowed their heads.

"Heavenly Angel, we thank you for this day and for all the many blessings you've given us. We trust that you'll safeguard us through the night and watch over us tomorrow."

Luke picked up where his father left off. "Mommy, we miss you and we can't wait to see you again. Please come home to us when you can, even in spirit... At leasts I think that's what Daddy told me." Anakin chuckled as Leia shook her head continuing the prayer.

"Please help me and Lukey grow up strong. Help the sick people and keep the soldiers safe and sound. Oh and if you could, please help Daddy and Luke stop snoring. Its hard to go to sleep with two shaaks keeping me awake." Luke glared at his twin whereas Anakin just brushed it off, giving Luke a look hat made he boy close his eyes once again.

"Angel, please guide, guard and direct our lives, keep us safe from harm. In the name of the force and my beautiful angel-I mean OUR beautiful angel, amen." The twins echoed their father with a quiet amen, hoping up and heading inside to the bed.

Anakin slowly got up and folded up the blanket they had been using. He slowly walked up and leaned on the railing, his eyes staring lovingly at the stone statue in the distance.

"I love you, Padme... Goodnight my Love."

With that he turned around, heading inside to slip into bed with his beautiful children beside him and his wife in his heart.

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