Chapter Three - The Calm Before The Storm

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After a few more minutes of debating, the four officials give Vader their consent to seek out this girl.

"Once you find her, if you find her," Tarkin smiled vainly to himself. "She will be brought out of the slave district and into your care. Once you've polished her up a bit, she will audition for us with a few songs."

"I agree to the terms, now meeting adjourned."


About a half an hour later, the slaves of the capitol were hurrying to their dorms. The nightly check would begin any minute so everyone had to get indoors to avoid being punished. The Naberrie family waved goodbye as their youngest daughter, Padme, left their dorm to go to her own.


Just as the curfew bell rang, Padme closed her front door behind her. For the rest of the evening, she was free to relax and do as she pleased. After all, working for Ziro the Hutt at one of the capitol's most esteemed bars took a lot out of anyone. Busing tables, waiting on them and occasionally having to be the entertainment were all she knew.

She was born a slave and raised up in the ways of service, submission and pleasure. Her role in society was taking care of customers, keeping her master happy and singing to bring people joy whenever she could.

Slipping out of her metal bikini, Ziro's required work attire, Padme pulled on one of her favorite nightgowns. It's was a tattered old dress her mother gave to her after some much needed patchwork; this nightgown was the most modest thing she owned. Seeing as she was a slave girl though, what slave master would want her to cover up?

After brushing her teeth and rising her face clean of makeup, Padme crawled into her bed and grabbed a soft bristle brush from her bed table. Her wild curls had been in a tight braid all day so now, Padme was thrilled that her brown locks could sway freely.

As she tugged on a few knots, a soft knock came from her door. At first, Padme panicked, thinking it was her father or someone sneaking out after their 21:00 curfew. As the knock happened again, she then realized it must be on of the soldier's doing night check. She hurriedly set her brush down and smoothed her nightgown down as she ran over to the door.

"Yes?" Padme pulled the door open as she stiffled a gasp. "Lord Vader..!"

"Can I come in?"

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