Chapter Twenty-Seven - Angels and Snakes

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As they passed through the bedroom's door and down the hall, both of them remain silent. As soon as they rounded a corner, Anakin turned around and felt his breath get caught in his throat when he finally got a look at her.

She had changed out of the blue dress she wore to the coronation into an evening gown that reached the floor. It was a creamy yellow mermaid dress that was covered in black, floral leaves from the thigh up. Padme's uniform curls had been brushed out to fluffy ringlets that cascaded down her back. Her lips were painted a soft, glossy nude and dark, voluminous lashes seemed to be the focus of her makeup. The only jewelry she wore again was her wedding ring, the yellow diamond coordinating with the whole outfit.

Padme looked flawless. She looked like an angel who smiled back at him. "What do you think?"

He swallowed, trying to regain his composure. "I think you're gonna be the death of me, Angel. I swear, you get more beautiful by the second..." A soft blush tinted her ivory cheeks, the warm fuzzy feeling rushing to her stomach.

"Mind helping me put on my shoes?" She gently set them down in front of him, already knowing the answer as she raised her hands to rest on his shoulders. "It would be my pleasure." Anakin helped her keep her balance as she stepped into the black pumps, the top of her head now just below his chin. As soon as she had them on all the way, Padme adjusted the skirt.

"Thank you, Love. Are you ready to have a good time?" Instead of answering her, he grabbed her by the waist and dipped her like he did at the last ball. "As long as you're right there with me."

"Forever and always, my Love..." She gently cupped his cheek, her brown eyes growing heavy. "Forever and always..." He whispered back, pressing his lips to her own.


As they honored guests arrived at the ball, guests began to swarm them. Some wanted to talk, some wanted to shake Vader's hand, some just wanted to say their congratulations; the people were all over them. The whole time, he kept his arm locked around Padme's waist as she kept a hand on his chest. To get through this night, they were gonna need all the support they could get.

One woman came up with two bodyguards behind her. Her blonde hair was tied up in a curly updo, the fair hair contrasting against her dark, olive skin. Hazel eyes sparked with mischief and her orange-red lips were tugged into a smirk as she approached them. Her long blue dress dragged on the floor, the length extending her already slender figure.

"Emperor, Empress..." She curtsied to them, bowing her head as they turned towards her. "My name is Charlotte, Charlotte La'Beaux."

Padme immediately recognized her as one of the holovision's most popular talk show hosts. "Miss La'Beaux, it's an honor to finally meet you!" Vader only grimaced at the small woman, his fingers nervously caressing Padme's waist.

Charlotte's eyes narrowed at her slightly, struggling to keep her smile. "The honor is all mine, Empress... I was wondering if maybe sometime in the near future, the two of you would be interested in an interview on my show, Exclusively Imperial."

Before his wife could answer for them, Vader chuckled softly as he pulled Padme into his arms. "We will get back to you on that. Enjoy the ball, we have more guests to greet!"

As the pair of the hour hurried away, Charlotte only smirked to herself. "As you say, Emperor Vader..."

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