Chapter Twenty-Eight - Conversations Galore

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As the ball began to wind down, the Royal couple were dancing out in the center of the room. Yet again, Amelia and her bow-tied companion were up on stage finishing off their set.

"Before we go, the Doctor and I extend our best wishes to the Emperor and Empress!" The red-headed beauty smiled. The Doctor, also her accompanying pianist, grabbed the microphone and grinned from ear-to-ear. "Now give it up for Rose Tyler, singing the Imperial Coronation Anthem!"

As they exited the stage, a petite girl with shoulder-length blond hair sashayed out onto the stage. She wore a baby blue dress that reached the floor and had a flattering sweetheart neckline. As she approached the microphone, another man with buzzed black hair and icy blue eyes sat down at the piano.

"Good Evening..." Rose shyly called into the microphone, her posh accent like music to the ear. "Let's go, John..."

Padme and Anakin were glued to each other on the dance floor, swaying to the beat. "I think I like having balls..." Anakin softly whispered to her, gently kissing the top of her head.

She only tilted her head up and pressed her lips to his, pulling back surprised when she heard some of the guests whistling and cat-calling. Padme hid her face in his chest as he beamed with pride.

"I think I like being with you."

"Well you married me, didn't you?" The couple chuckled softly to themselves, spinning around as the onlookers watched in awe.

"Let the sky fall... When it crumbles! We will stand tall and face it all, together, at Skyfall!" The violins crescendoed when Rose hit the chorus, John Smith's fingers dancing across the keys with expert finesse.

"So what did you think of that Charlotte girl?" Anakin looked down in question, seeing her peek up from his chest.

"Personally, I hate the media and I don't get a good vibe off of her." He spun her out and pulled her back in, his chest against her back. "Plus, I didn't like the way she was looking at my Angel..."

"Oh Ani..." She whispered to him in amusement. "She's just another jealous woman. As long as I'm with you, women everywhere will be looking at me like that..."

"Listen sweetheart, let's just enjoy tonight while we can and tomorrow morning, we will talk this over. Sound like a plan?"

She only nodded, pecking his cheek once Anakin turned her around again. As the song came to a close, a rush of déjà vu rushed over the couple when they finished with a dip. Since most everyone was watching the stage, the couple took this opportunity to steal a kiss.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen..." Rose sighed into the microphone, her cheeks turning the same shade as her name. John came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Have a wonderful evening..." He smiled at the crowd, taking a bow before he and his Rose walked offstage.


The next morning came fast, the rest of the ball nothing but a blur to Anakin and Padme. The new parents sat in the sitting area of the suite while Luke and Leia splashed around in the bath. She wore one of Anakin's few blue tunics as she stretched her slender legs out over his lap, sipping on some hot tea.

He was shirtless as usual.

"Angel..." He whined, rubbing her calf up and down. "Why do you want to do this interview so bad?" Her brown eyes narrowed slightly, peeking up at him over the rim of her teacup.

"When I was in the slave district, I remember how much it meant for all of us to hear about what's going on in the captial. Whether it had to do with us or not, it still was a big deal if anything at all happened around her."

Padme set her tea on the coffee table and scooted herself into his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder before continuing.

"Plus, think of all the citizens beyond Coruscant. They're all loyal subjects who need to know what's going on too. Besides," She gently slipped a finger under his chin. "It'll be something you and I get to do together before you really have to take over as Emperor."

Anakin tilted his head back a bit, his blue eyes squinted in amusement. "You just want to be on the holo, don't you?"

"It is on my bucket list..."

He burst out laughing, her immaturity coming back out just like it had when the first met. As he thought back on everything, Anakin remembered the dart and the unfortunate end his Angel would soon have.

"I will say yes on one condition..."

"What's that, love?"

"A kiss or two..."

It was her turn to laugh now. "Ani, that's a given..."

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