Chapter 28

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Declan laughed as Alyssa peppered his face with kisses. She had caught him off guard when she leaped from the bed and tackled him, causing him to fall back into the hard floor with an "oomph". He still lay on his back with her straddling him, just basking in her enthusiastic response to his proposal.

"I take it, that's a 'yes'?" He chuckled at her.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Yes to everything, Dec!" She exclaimed in between kisses. "Yes, I'll marry you." Kiss. "Yes, I'll mate you." Kiss. "Yes, I'll let you mark me." Kiss. "Yes, I'll have babies with you." Kiss. "Yes!" Kiss. "Oh, Declan, I love you so much!" she squealed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him as if her life depended on it. "I promise I'll make you the happiest man in the whole world."

Declan wrapped his arms around Alyssa and returned her hug. "Oh, Lyssie. You already have."

"Lyssie?" She sat up and looked down at him, making a face at the new nickname. "Where the hell did that come from?"

Declan have a deep belly laughed at the look of distaste on her face. "What?! I wanted to call you something sweet, but Alyssa was too long. You don't like it?" He asked, a fake pout on his lips.

"Uh, no," she giggled. "Sorry, Charlie, it's either Alyssa, Lys, or Lyssa."

"But Janice calls you Lys! I can't take her-" Declan began before Alyssa cut him off.

"Oh my gods! Janice! I have to call and tell her!" She exclaimed as she crawled off him. "Hmmm, I wonder...."

Sitting in the middle of her bed, Alyssa quickly shut her eyes, and blocked out the look Declan gave her as she calmed her mind and concentrated on her best friend. She pictured her blond hair, the mischievous glint in her blue eyes when she was up to no good, her laugh. Slowly, she felt herself slip into the astral plane.

When she opened her eyes again, she was in a dim room. Glancing around, she noticed candles lit everywhere, causing a warm glow. Looking over at the bed, her eyes settled on the sight of her best friend tied up, her hands secured to the head board, a gag in her mouth.

"Janice!" She screamed as she ran over to her. She frantically looked around trying to find something to cut Janice loose when she glanced down at the rest of her friend's body and noticed she was naked. And there was a man's head between her legs.

"Aaaaahhhhh! My eyes!" She screamed again as she slapped her hands over her face.

Alyssa fell backwards from the shock and came out of her trance. At the scared look on her face, Declan rushed to her side.

"What is it, baby? Are you ok? What did you see?"

"Oh my gods... I'm scarred for life," she breathed out. Glancing up at Declan with her eyes wide she shuddered at the memory. "Janice is a freak!"


Alyssa slowly made her way into the office on Monday morning. She didn't know if she'd be able to ever look at Janice the same way again after the events of Sunday morning.

After she had left Declan's house, she'd spent the afternoon painting until he showed up and she'd cried herself asleep. When she woke up it had already been close to 3 in the morning. Instead of going back to the pack house, they'd stayed at her apartment and watched old movies while cuddling on her couch. She'd learned Declan was a pretty good singer as he sang along to some of the more kids friendly movies she had. She had a fondness for Disney cartoons like Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast, and she'd made him watch several with her in an attempt to "clean" her mind after she'd witnessed Janice's embarrassing bedroom act.

"Hey, Lys. How's it hanging?" Janice asked as soon as she spotted her.

"Hi, Jan. So..." Alyssa began before she lost her nerve. "How was your weekend? Anything fun or exciting happen?"

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Went clubbing with my friends, watched as my bff got kidnapped by her psycho-vampire-ex, saw another friend morph into a wolf, passed out only to wake up and see my bff and her boyfriend's father screaming at each other, went home, snuggled with the hubby, and had chocolate. Nothing big," Janice grinned at her.

"Yea nothing big, except he's not your bff's boyfriend," Alyssa said.

"What? No! What happened, Lys? Was it that damned father? Wait till I see that prick! I'm-"

"Chill, Kujo. Nothing like that, I promise. In fact," she said as her grin broadened and she flung out her left hand, nearly smacking the other woman in the face, "he asked me to marry him!"

Janice jumped out of her seat behind the reception desk and ran around to her friend's side. Grabbing a hold of Alyssa's hand, she started jumping up and down, squealing the entire time. "Oh my God, Alyssa! I'm so happy for you! Have you picked a date yet? When did he propose? How did he propose? Tell me everything!"

"Early Sunday morning! He came over after I got home and when I cried myself to sleep, he put me to bed and crawled in with me. When we woke up, we talked, and he asked me. He got out of bed, and got down on his knee. It was so romantic!"

"Sure it was!" Janice laughed. "So was it any good?"

Alyssa gasped at her best friend.

"Pervert!" She laughed. "And I wouldn't know. We haven't done it yet, just kissed. We started messing around, but stopped so we could talk... Speaking of talking... I tried to 'talk' to you that night, but I'm thinking Johnny had you tied up or something," she said, trying to keep her face straight.

Janice looked at Alyssa with a confused expression on her face. "You did? When? He never said anything about you calling."

"Oh I didn't call," Alyssa said flippantly. "I astral projected there. You really need to put a sock on your door or something to warn people, by the way!"

Alyssa laughed as she watched Janice's face pale then immediately turn a bright shade of red. "Oh my God!"

"I know. I'm scarred for life. I nearly gave myself a black eye slapping my hands over my eyes so fast. I think I scared Dec there for a second!"

"Alyssa! That's so not fair! How am I ever supposed to spy on you like that? You could always project and check your surroundings!"

"Jan, I love you, but you are so weird sometimes!"

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