Chapter 24

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Pulling into the drive of the palatial mansion, Declan was slowly becoming worried for the two women who were still unconscious on the back seat. Neither one of them had stirred during the entire hour long ride. He had expected it of Alyssa, she had used a lot of energy that night, but Janice should have woken long before they reached his house.

"Are they even breathing, Verona?" He asked the pixie-like woman. She had volunteered to sit with the women while Connor drove Alyssa's car behind them. She knew if Janice had woken up with her head in Connor's lap, she might have panicked since she didn't know him.

"Yes, Dec. Both girls are still breathing. They're just exhausted. Alyssa worked hard all day, then we went dancing, and then the fight with Kevin. And Janice worked, danced, and had a big shock. This is perfectly acceptable for them both," she reassured him for what felt like the millionth time since they left the old farm. Honestly, Verona felt like she could pass out at any minute herself. It had been a truly trying night.

When Declan had given the pack the go-ahead, they had all attacked Kevin, but since she was the one with the vendetta against him, first for stealing her friend, and then all the injuries during the fight, they had gladly let her finish him. She hadn't hesitated in tearing his head from his shoulders as the others ripped him limb from limb. At the end of it, Kevin was reduced to a pile of body parts that were quickly burned to ash. It was almost surreal that it had ended so fast.

Stopping the vehicle, Declan climbed out and met Connor by the back door. He pulled Alyssa out while the other man grabbed Janice, and they carried the two women into the house. Deciding to take them both to Declan's office was a no-brainer. He wanted Alyssa there when Janice decided to wake up. They owed the blond lady an explanation.

They had just laid the women on the love seats in his office when Declan heard new voices in the hallway. Glancing at Connor, he knew he had heard them as well. As a familiar feminine voice filled the air, Connor stiffened before suddenly racing out of the room. When Declan made his way into the entrance way after making sure his mate and her friend were comfortable, he saw his best friend swinging a pretty redheaded woman in her mid twenties in a circle while giving her an almost bone crushing embrace. Several people smiled as they watched the beta and his mate reuniting.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming so soon?" Declan heard Connor ask his little sister.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Marie Claire Bailey told her mate. She looked at him and nearly got lost in his sparkling blue eyes. She had missed him so much, even though they had been separated for less then a month. A smile broke out onto her full lips, lighting up her brown eyes, knowing she had her man back with her. Pulling him back into a heartfelt hug, she sighed. There was no place better than in her mate's arms. "God, I've missed you."

"What about me?" Declan asked teasingly.

"Eh, I guess I sorta missed you too, Dec." Marie said as she broke away from Connor and hugged her big brother. "So, what's happening? Why is everyone standing around so late?"

"Why is everyone standing around, and not helping the rest of us unload?" a booming voice asked before Declan could respond. Turning around, he saw a tall, broad man coming through the door carrying three big suitcases. His salt and pepper hair was cut into a buzz cut, giving the air of a General. Penetrating green eyes under thick white brows caught sight of several of the men who had gone with Declan earlier. He scowled at them, and they quickly ran to help grab items from the moving can that had pulled up a few minutes earlier.

"Dad. What happened to everyone arriving in a couple weeks?"

"All the women were complaining about missing their mates, and the kids were missing their dads. We were able to get everything settled a little sooner, so we decided to drive through. Why? Did we come at a bad time?"

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