Chapter 21

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Alyssa sauntered into the office and grinned at Janice.

"What's that look for?" the blond asked her.

"Oh, nothing, dear," she replied. She had woken up in a great mood. It had been too late to drive back to her own place after they had interrogated the young rogue the night before, so she had decided to stay in the first room next to Verona. Instead of going straight to sleep though, she and the younger woman had spent hours becoming great friends. She had told Verona all about Janice as well, and now she wanted to meet the outspoken woman. "How do you feel about going out tonight? Leave Johnny at home and come out with me and another friend for a girl's night. Well go out dancing, get some drinks, and talk about guys. I'm leaving Declan at home too."

"Sounds good to me! We haven't gone out in a whi- wait. What do you mean you're leaving Declan at home? Are you two seeing each other? Oh my God! When did this happen? How did it happen? Have you kissed him yet? Details, woman!" Janice exclaimed as she sat bouncing in her chair.

Alyssa laughed at her friend's excitement.

"Yes, last night, we had dinner, then I whooped him in the gym, and we kissed when I pinned him." Alyssa rolled her eyes as the other woman squealed in delight.

"Oh my God, that's awesome! Yay, our little Alyssa's growing up. I gotta call Johnny and tell him about this," Janice laughed.

"Just don't forget to tell him I'm stealing you tonight. I'll meet you after school, and we can go to mine so I can get some of my own clothes. I had to borrow some from Verona this morning, and I'd like to give them back to her," Alyssa said as she headed out the door as the bell rang.

"Why did you have to borrow clothes?" Janice asked, but all she got was a cheeky grin before the door shut. "I'm not letting this go!" she yelled at the woman, even if she couldn't hear her.


"What took you so long?" Janice asked Alyssa as she finally made her way over to the table she had acquired for the group. They hadn't been able to meet up after school as planned, so Alyssa had agreed to meet her at the club. Flashing lights illuminated everything with bright greens, vibrant reds, and intense blues. Alyssa could feel the loud bass that was booming out of the speakers reverberating through her chest as loud music filled the air. Bodies were pressed together on the crowded dance floor in a writhing mass made up of drunk and sober people alike, although the drink ones were a little more risque then the others.

Signaling a waitress over, Alyssa placed her drink order before turning to the blond woman, and assessing her outfit. Janice had dressed up in a flowing, shimmery green blouse and a tight, black miniskirt. Black stilettos finished off her outfit.

"I had to go home and change, then had over to Declan's and pick up Verona," she said, gesturing towards the brunette pixie standing slightly behind her. Verona had dressed in a tight red shirt that showed part of her toned midriff, with a pair of black skinny jeans. Black boots that came up to her knees with stiletto heels adorned her feet, completing her outfit. "Verona, this is Janice. Jan, this is Verona. She's Declan's best friend's little sister. She's pretty cool."

As the two women greeted each other, Alyssa quickly glanced down at her own clothes. She had decided to go with a plum colored halter dress and strappy silver sandal heels. The dress came down to mid thigh, and showed off her long legs. Taking in the group in general, Alyssa had to admit they looked like sex on legs.

"Ok, so dish. Why did you have to borrow clothes this morning?" Janice asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, she stayed over last night, after she kicked Dec's ass," Verona replied, giggling at the memory.

"And y'alls together?" Janice asked in disbelief. "What happened? Why did you beat up the sexy English teacher?"

"He called me a 'weak female'."

"Oh, yea, he definitely deserved it!" Janice laughed. She knew Alyssa prided herself on being a strong, independent woman, and any implications that she was anything but usually ended in physical violence. "But back on topic. You stayed at Declan's? Any juicy gossip you want to share?"

"No. Nothing happened."

"Bullshit!" Verona exclaimed. "Don't forget, I was there when you guys locked lips. That was not 'nothing'. Y'all nearly set off the sprinkler system!"

"That good, huh?" Janice teased.

Alyssa could feel her cheeks flush with both embarrassment, and memories. She could still feel the after affects of her kiss with Declan. She was hopeful for a repeat performance, but so far neither one of them had initiated another one.

"Shut up y'all," she giggled as her drink was placed in front of her. "Anyways, enough about me and Dec. Jan, how's Johnny?"

"Oh, you know. Fat, happy, and lazy," she replied with a grin on her face. Her husband wasn't exactly swoon worthy, but he was a good man, and she loved him dearly. Alyssa smiled as she saw a content look cross her friend's face. She had always wanted a love like theirs, but never truly believed she would be lucky enough to find it. Fate had smiled on her the day she found Declan. Turning to Verona, she saw a flash of envy cross the young woman's face. After last night, she knew the brunette still hadn't found her mate yet. And judging from the look that had just been on her new friend's face, she knew that she too was wishing she had someone to love. Reaching over, she squeezed Verona's hand.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll find you a fella. Even if we have to get you a mail-order husband!"

They all laughed at Alyssa's joke until they had tears in their eyes. It took them a while to calm down. Every time they started to regain their composure, they would glance at one other and break out into another fit of laughter.

After a few hours of talking, laughing, dancing and drinking they decided to call it a night. As they made their way out of the crowded club, Alyssa called Johnny for Janice. Her friend had drank way too much, and Alyssa didn't want her to drive and possibly end up in an accident. Before they could make it to Alyssa's car to wait for him to show up, Verona tensed up and started glancing around, almost as if she sensed something on the air. "What's wrong?" Alyssa asked.

All of a sudden, a car came speeding around a corner and headed straight for the trio. Headlights blinded Alyssa and she couldn't see anything for a moment as it came closer. Looking at her friends, she saw Verona jump out of the way, but Janice was right in the path. Without thinking, Alyssa flung her hands out, sending a blast of energy towards her friend, and Janice went flying across the aisle, coming to a stop beside a parked car.

The car came to a screeching halt right next to Alyssa, and the passenger side door was shoved open as an arm reached out and grabbed her by the waist. Her head hit the door jam as she was pulled off her feet and into the car and she saw black spots waver in her eyes for a second before she knew what was happening. As her vision swam, the door was slammed shut, and the car peeled out of the parking lot.

Shaking her head, she tried to clear her vision, and get her bearings. Alyssa glanced at the driver, and felt ice trickle through her veins as she recognized who was sitting next to her.

"Hello, bitch," Kevin sneered before he punched her, and knocked Alyssa out.

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