Chapter 11

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She lay still as she felt Kevin standing over her. He was trying to determine if Alyssa was still unconscious, or if she was just faking. It took everything within her to keep her muscles relaxed and limp as he nudged her with the top p of his boot, none too gently.

After the third time basically kicking her, he left with a disgusted look on his face, muttering under his breath. "Weak-ass, useless bitch. Guess nothing has changed..."

Staying still, she cleared her mind as she heard his footsteps trek down the hallway. In almost no time at all, Alyssa was having down at herself in the physical plane while her spirit was in the astral. It seemed the more she used it, the easier it was to astral project.

She quickly excited the room. Without her physical body, she basically just floated through obstacles, such as doors and walls. Looking around, she committed everything to memory so she wouldn't get lost when she escaped.

Making her way down the hall, she realized she was being held in the last room on the right in some kind of basement. After climbing the stairs, she quickly looked in all the rooms, trying to determine if there were any other occupants of the one story house, other then Kevin. She released a silent sigh of relief when she found no signs of any other inhabitants.

She found Kevin in what she assumed was the matter bedroom. Except there wasn't a bed in the center of the room, as one would expect. There was a coffin.

Feeling a sense of dread form in the pit of her stomach, she watched as Kevin dressed as if to go out. As he was fastening his belt, the doorbell rang, and she saw an evil glint come into his eyes.

She followed him as he made his way to the door, calling out in a nasally voice,

"Coming!" It was then that she actually paid attention to what he was wearing.

His black slacks were pulled all the way up, allowing her to see his socks due to them being about three inches to short. He wore a bow tie on the collar of his white, short sleeved button-up shirt with the stereotypical pocket protector and pens in his right breast pocket. His hair had been slicked back, and had a part down the center. He looked absolutely ridiculous dressed as a nerd, but what nearly sent Alyssa over the edge were the thick plastic frames that had white masking tape across the bridge of the nose.

'Some one's been watching "Revenge Of The Nerds" a little too much. Lewis would be so proud!' she thought to herself.

Alyssa watched as he greeted the women standing at the door. She had on the typical skin right button up shirt with two too many buttons undone, allowing anyone who saw her with a generous view of her cleavage.hey tight, black, mini skirt, fishnet stockings, and black "fuck-me-me-boots" completed her ensemble.Alyssa didn't need to see her resume to know she was a hooker.

"Please, come in,"Kevin continued in his affected voice. "Um, did you want something to drink? Or eat maybe?" Alyssa wondered what game he was playing at, acting like some inexperienced young nerd.

"Sugar, I'm a done deal as soon as you fork over my money. There's no need to try and make me feel comfortable. Just show me where ya wanna do it," the lady said with both a bored tone, and a bored look.

"Oh right!" Kevin exclaimed and handed the woman a bundle of money.

"Where do ya wanna do this?" she asked him again.

Kevin acted like he was suddenly nervous and started rambling at her. "Well, we could go to the bedroom. There's the living room," he pointed out. "Oh! How bout the kitchen? I've always kinda wanted to in there. But not too many women find me interesting enough to wanna do anything with me."

"Ok, Stud. Calm down. You want it there, we'll do it there. Lead the way." She gestured for him to go in front.

Kevin walked past the effort and headed down to the kitchen, where he had already set up plastic drop cloths.

"You want kinky, that'll cost you extra, sugar," she told Kevin while looking around the small room. "So what do you wanna do?"

Kevin had crept up behind the woman as she studied the place. His while demeanor changed as he watched her. He was no longer playing the timid outcast. He was the predator stalking his prey.

"This," he said in a sinister voice causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up as she turned around. He lunged at her before she could react, and blood sprayed every where as he bit into her carotid artery.

Alyssa felt sick to stomach as she saw him viciously ravage the poor woman's lifeless body. He truly was a monster.

Not wanting to witness anymore, she ran back to the front door and passed through to the porch on the other side.

If she had any hope for getting away after she escaped, she needed to know exactly where she was being held. Glancing at the house, she noticed the numbers nine ninety-nine, but she didn't see a street sign. She decided to follow the road and soon came to a sign saying 'Michaels Road'. Searching farther, she came across a cross street with a McDonald's on the corner.

Deciding she'd been gone long enough, she started back in the direction she'd came from. She was nearly back to the house she was being held against her will in when something on a neighbor's porch caught her eye.

A mail box.

Quickly running up the steps, she looked in the mail box, she looked in it, and found what she was looking for.

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