Chapter 18

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"Ok, so do you want me to help you ward against them or something?" Alyssa asked Declan, confusion clear in her voice. Why had he told her about the rogues as if he was afraid? "We could split it up and do something like I did for my apartment. You know, where only people invited are allowed in? If you want to do all your property, I could call my coven to come help. I'm not sure you and I would be strong enough to do it by ourselves if it's a big piece of land."

"What? Coven? You mean as in a group of Hags that stand around and meddle? Declan? What the hell is going on?" Verona asked heatedly, while Connor stood in the corner frowning back and forth between his leader and Alyssa.

"What do you mean 'Hags'? I'm really getting confused..." Alyssa said, causing the young lady she believed that she was becoming friends with to glare at her. "Don't you want me to cast any protective wards? It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal! Only those evil Hags cast spells, protective or otherwise!" Verona shouted at her.

"Verona, calm down-" Declan tried telling the woman, but he was interrupted, yet again. It seemed Verona was good at that this evening.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Is she a Hag, Declan? Did you bring one of those vile people into our house?"

Connor's eyes grew wide as he finally realized the implications of his sister's words. Whipping his head around, he stared at Alyssa. She was too nice, and had shown no outward signs of malice to his group as a whole. Could they have misjudged her? Was she really an evil creature, bent on destroying everything but herself?

"Verona! You will calm down!" Declan shouted at the young woman, letting the power flow into his voice. Verona instantly shut up.

Before Declan could open his mouth to explain, the glass patio doors of his office flew open, shattering, and in bound a rather large chocolate brown wolf. A scream pierced the air. The intruder quickly focused it's attention on Alyssa as she cowered on the leather couch, and growled loudly in its throat.

Sensing the wolf was about to pounce, Alyssa quickly gathered the energy in the room around herself and cast a barrier spell, ignoring the sound of three other growls coming from the direction of Declan and the siblings. The wolf didn't pounce however. Hackles raised, it stepped to the side, allowing someone else into the room. Someone who, upon seeing, made Alyssa's fear turn to anger.

"You stupid bitch," Kevin said as he stepped over the threshold. "If you had just stayed in that damn room, your friends would be alive tomorrow. But now? Now you get to watch my friend rip their throats out, one by one."

A menacing growl filled the room, causing Alyssa to finally glance at Declan. The man who had been sharing her dreams was standing in the center of the room glaring at the newest intruder.

"I suggest you get the fuck out of my house, leech. You can leave your mongrel," he said. His normally smooth voice coming out harsh and gravelly. "I already warned him to leave. He didn't, so now it's time he learn the consequences."

Turning to look at the wolf, Declan glared at it and forced out, "Shift!"

There was a ripple in the air as the wolf was compelled to follow the order in the big man's voice. Cracks and pops filled the air as the stranger fought the order as much as he could, but it was useless. At the end of the transformation, a young boy, no older then fourteen, lay on the floor, trembling

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Kevin yelled causing Verona to growl loudly. Kevin stepped back as he got a good look at the group assembled before him, and his eyes widened. "Wolves..."

Before any of them could blink, Kevin was gone, and all that was left was a slight breeze.

"What did he mean? Declan?" Alyssa asked.

"Connor secure this pup. Put him in one of the cells in the basement. I'll be down in a few to question him. Verona, get a group to track the leech, and get someone else to come fix the doors," Declan ordered before turning back to the wide eyed woman still huddled on the leather couch. He watched her as the others left to do his bidding.

"Declan?" Alyssa questioned again. "What's going on? What did he mean, 'wolves'? And why was Verona so upset when I mentioned spell-work?"

"How can you not know about the rift between wolves and witches, Alyssa? I thought children were raised to hate wolves?" Declan questioned her.

"I don't know if they are or not, Declan. I wasn't raised in the Craft. I'm a convert. What did she mean? What's going on?" Alyssa's voice steadily rose as she was speaking until she screamed the last question at him.

"Werewolves hate witches, Alyssa. That's why she was mad. She thought you were one of the ones raised in witchcraft that likes to try and destroy us."


Declan flinched as he saw Alyssa's eyes go wide and all the blood drained from her face.

"Yes, Alyssa. Us. Everyone here is a werewolf. I'm the Alpha."

Alyssa just stared at Declan for a long minute, not saying anything. Then she did something she thought she'd never do.

She fainted.

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