Chapter 17

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If Alyssa had to ever describe what she thought heaven would be like, it would be like kissing Declan. She'd always believed when people said they saw fireworks they were being over dramatic, but now? Now, she knew such a thing happened.

She moaned softly as Declan deepened the kiss. She felt him smile as he opened his mouth, she couldn't help but smile back, and when she felt him run the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips, it was only natural she grant him access.

She tentatively touched her tongue to his, lightly stroking her tongue along his. Declan took that as a sign to plunder her mouth, and she didn't object. Every stroke, every caress, sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. She could feel little jolts of electricity everywhere they touched, and enjoyed the sensation.

Growing bold from Declan's example, she playfully wrapped her tongue around his, drawing it even more into her mouth. She lightly sucked, and heard a deep groan come from the man still hovering above her. She grew giddy at the power she felt from causing him to release his own sounds of enjoyment.

They were so wrapped up in each other, they had forgotten about the group that had gathered to watch them until someone cleared their throat.

Pulling back, Declan raised his head and looked into her eyes with his own lust filled ones. Another cough caused him to glance around, and before he knew what had happened, he found himself once again on his back, looking up at the beautiful creature who had him pinned beneath her. This time he was unable to get back up.

A single laugh filled the stunned silence.

"Dude, she totally beat you!" Verona laughed hysterically. "That was one way to catch him off guard, Alyssa! Awesome."

Declan scowled at the young pixie looking woman before glancing back at the woman who was still straddling him. Desire still coursed through his body from the contact of her body on his.

"So, what was that about weak females, Mr. McConnell?" Alyssa smirked down at him. Her body still felt on fire, and she wasn't quite sure what would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted.

"That I'm glad I'm not interested in them." Declan told her with his own smirk on his handsome face.


Before her could banter with her anymore, Connor caught his eye.

'What is it?' he mind linked the other man, not wanting to alert Alyssa of the worried look on his friends face.

'Getting a report of a perimeter breach, boss. We should probably wrap this up and check it out.'

With a sigh, Declan looked up at Alyssa, and notice a concerned frown marring her face. Crap. Guess he didn't hide his conversation very well.

"As much as I enjoy having you straddled above me all sweaty and sexy like, I'm afraid I need to get up dear," he told her. Alyssa immediately jumped off him, and Declan felt a twinge of sadness at the loss of contact with her.

"Is everything ok?" she asked him, concern shadowing her voice.

"I'm not sure yet. I have to have a meeting with Connor. But first, I think I need a shower," Declan answered her honestly. "After that, I'd like you to join us, then we could watch a movie or something?"

"Yea, you're right. You do need a shower. Kinda burning my nose with all your stinky man sweat," Alyssa teased.

"Hey, you're twice as sweaty as me, Ms. Derickson. Who says you don't need one?" Declan chuckled at her playfulness.

"Please! I might be sweaty, but I'm not stinky like you."

"You're right, you're all sweaty, but you don't stink. You smell divine," he told her as he leaned in and breathed in the scent of her skin.

"Ew! Declan! That's just gross!" she laughed.

"You know you love it," he breathed in her ear.

"Get a room you two!" Verona called out, causing Alyssa to blush furiously. This was the second time she'd forgotten they weren't alone.

"Do you have an extra shower I can use too? Since you're going to take one, I might as well at the same time. We can meet in your office afterwards," Alyssa asked Declan.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll have Verona show you to a guest bedroom, and you can use the shower in there. Ok, Verona?" He asked the woman who was delighting in interrupting him today.

"Yep," she replied, popping the p. "Alyssa can use the one next door to my room, and I'll bring her down when we're all clean again. I feel gross being all sticky with dried sweat, so I was gonna grab one too."

"You look gross," Connor interjected, teasing his sister. He chuckled as Verona stuck her tongue out at him.

"That's fine. Connor, you might as well grab one too. Maybe by then we'll have more details about what's going on," Declan said before pulling Alyssa into another embrace, and whispering in her ear, "Enjoy your shower, babe."


"How did they breach out perimeter?" Declan asked aloud for the third time.

"I'm not sure, sir. We just noticed the prints on our patrols earlier tonight," the guard told him, not daring to look Declan in the eye.

"Who broke the perimeter?" Alyssa asked.

The guard visibly paled before glancing at Declan.

"Rogue Werewolves. When we first thought about moving here, we decided to stay because this was free territory. But now it seems like there's some wolves trying to move in on us. We'd noticed signs of them trying to cross into our land, but so far, all they did was get close. Now it seems they have finally gotten tired of taunting us and are about to make themselves truly known," Declan explained. He was not sure how Alyssa would take the news.

Witches and Werewolves had a bad history between them.

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