Chapter 26

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Debbie rounded on her husband the moment Declan left the room.

"What did you do?" She asked him with a glare. She knew her husband wasn't the most accepting man, but he loved his son. She also knew Declan loved his father, so when he was upset with him, it was for good reason.

"I did nothing! Why must you assume it was me?" Robert sulked to an empty chair and flung himself into it. The way he had his arms over his chest, and had his lower lip pushed out reminded Debbie of a pouting child and she nearly let out a chuckle.

Resolving herself to get an answer from her sullen husband, Debbie have a deep sigh. "Because I know you. You're just as stubborn and pig headed as our son, the only difference is he knows when he's wrong and eventually apologizes! So, again! What did you do to our daughter-in-law?"

"Do not call her that!" Robert bellowed. "That pathetic human will never be my daughter-in-law! Declan deserves a strong female wolf who can help him lead this pack! If he mates with that bitch, he's just inviting other packs to attack! And besides who's to say she's not a hunter? Huh?"

"Oh, Robert... She was chosen for him by the fates. You have no more say in who his mate is than your father had in yours! If she wasn't worthy of him, then she wouldn't be his. Why can't you be happy that he found her? Andrew never got the chance-"

"Don't you dare bring up Andrew!" Robert cut her off. "I know he never got the chance! Do you know why? Those filthy HUMAN hunters killed him before he could!"

"So that's what this is all about? You seriously believe she's a hunter? Other than her being human, is there any basis for you thinking she could be a hunter? Did you even speak to her?"

"I didn't have to! She's human! What part of that don't you get?" Robert screamed. His face had turned an unattractive shade of purple, and Debbie was beginning to think he would have a stroke if he didn't calm down. Unfortunately, she was not going to let him win this argument.

"You're a stubborn asshole, Robert James McConnell!" Debbie stomped her foot, breaking into his tirade. "I will not have you running that poor girl off! You will apologize the next time you see her and your son. I will not have you being some prejudiced jack ass to OUR daughter-in-law, because like it or not, that's exactly what she is, and if you don't like that, then I suggest you find yourself another room until you do!"

And with that, Debbie slammed the door behind her as she made her way out of the office. She was tired of her husband acting like a spoiled brat about their son's mate. She knew the fates chose their mates for a reason, and she was not about to start arguing with them over their choice now.

She noticed several people give her a nod of respect as she slowly made her way to her new room, and although they normally bowed in respect towards her, she had a feeling this time it was because she had stood up to her husband. A small smile crept up on her face as she held her head higher.


"What do you mean, he's got a mate?" Marie asked her mate.

"Just that. He found his mate. Her name is Alyssa and they work together," Connor said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I gotta tell you, Mar, I've never seen him so happy."

"He's really happy?"

"Yes, ma'am. She keeps him on his toes, that's for sure! I'm just glad we finally got rid of the leech for her," he muttered under his breath, but she had heard him anyways.

"Leech? She had a leech with her?! What the hell happened before we got here, Connor?"

Connor sighed, knowing he owed an explanation to his mate.

"She was being stalked by her ex, who was a leech. He kidnapped her a couple times. The first time, she whooped his ass and got away. She also ended up kicking Dec's ass when they sparred the other day," he chuckled as he remembered the event.

"Wait, she beat my brother? I might have to meet this girl," Marie laughed. "Ok, continue."

"Well last night- holy crap, that was only just last night- her, Verona, and their friend Janice went dancing, and when they left, Kevin, the leech, was waiting for them. He stole her again, and Verona followed them, and when he stopped, she was right behind them. He tried to beat her up again, and-"

"Again? She let him beat her? Did she know he was a leech?" Connor laughed as Marie kept interrupting him.

He'd known her all her life, and it had annoyed him how impatient she was as they grew up. Now, however, he found her impatience amusing, and he couldn't help but wonder if their pups would inherit that trait from their mother one day.

"I'm getting to all that, Mar. No, she didn't know he was a leech until he kidnapped her the first time. She left him because he abused her while they were a couple, and she ran away here. From what we learned, that's when she started learning self defense and kickboxing.

Anyways, back to my story," he chuckled, "Verona attacked Kevin when he bit Alyssa- and before you interrupt, again-" he said as she opened her mouth, "-he was planning on killing her, not turning her. Janice- she's human too- ended up passing out from the shock. Alyssa passed out from the stress, and we brought them back here to recover. That's why everyone was standing around when you all showed up. We had just gotten back in from going to help them. Verona is the one that ended up ripping his head off."

"Well, it certainly sounds like you guys haven't been bored waiting for us," Marie laughed as she hugged her husband tight. She had always been in love with her older brothers best friend, but figured he only saw her as another younger sister. It wasn't until he'd turned eighteen that he'd acted like he'd even noticed her as anything other than an annoying tag-a-long.

When Connor had turned eighteen, he'd realized she was his mate, but since she was two years younger than him, he'd had to wait. It wasn't until she'd finally turned eighteen that he'd finally acted on the mate bond and started to woo his wife. Six years later, and they were still happy and in love, and neither one of them would change a thing.

"Yea," Connor admitted, "it's been one big adventure after another."

At that moment, they heard shouting coming from the first floor. Getting up, they made their way out of their room just in time to see Debbie stomping up the stairs.

"Mom? What's wrong? Why are you stomping? What's going on?" Marie asked the older woman, worry evident in her voice.

"That man is a stubborn fool! Can you believe he's refusing my daughter-in-law?" Debbie asked as she walked into her own room and slammed the door.

"And it looks like another adventure is starting," Connor said as he and his wife looked at each other.


I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas! Thanks for taking your time to read this story. I honestly never thought anyone would read it. :-D

Anyways, from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!


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