Chapter 13

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Janice was waiting to pounce on Alyssa as soon as she walked through the office suite doors. Unfortunately, Alyssa was still jumpy from her ordeal, and Janice went flying.

"Oh my gods! Janice! I am so sorry!"Alyssa cried. She immediately ran to the young woman, trying to help her up, and possibly get her help.

"Ow. My butt!" Janice laughed.She really should have expected her to be on guard. She couldn't help it though. She was just so happy to see the woman, who was like a sister to her, unharmed. How was she supposed to remember Alyssa was deep into her kickboxing training. Hell, she had even dragged Janice to a few of the classes.

"Are you ok, Jan?" Alyssa was worried for her friend. She had tried to reign in her punch at the last second once she realized it was Janice jumping on her, but she knew the hit still packed a wallop. She had trained long and hard for her blows to be effective.

"I'm ok, Alyssa," Janice reassured her.

"What the hell were you thinking? I could have really hurt you! Don't ever do that again! Please? I don't think my heart could take it if something happened to you. Especially if I'm the one who caused it, girl," Alyssa confessed as she grabbed Janice into a hug. She was glad she was able to stop herself from injuring her best friend. When she saw Janice go flying backwards, her heart had squeezed painfully within her chest.

She heard the office door open behind her, and before she could turn around, Alyssa knew who was standing there by the feelings coursing through her body. Only one person could cause the feeling of recognition to tingle through her limbs, leaving her breathless. It was the same man who instilled a sense of safety, who could make her burn with desire from one look into those hauntingly beautiful eyes. The man she was dangerously close to falling in love with, even though she'd only known him for a short time.


Janice squealed in her ear when she saw him standing there, staring in their direction.

"Oh my God, Alyssa! He's looking at you how a fat kid looks at cake!" She laughed under her breath, so only Alyssa could hear her.

Turning, Alyssa was once again caught in Declan's gaze, and it seemed like the whole world disappeared. The only thing that mattered was them. Them, and the bond they shared.

Alyssa didn't realize she had moved until she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Gasping, she saw she was so close, and any closer, she would be kissing the god-like man before her. Heat flooded her cheeks as she hastily stepped back.

Turning, she looked at who had interrupted her and Declan's intimate moment. She could have sworn she heard a growl rumble through his chest, but when she glanced at him, Declan had a casual look on his face. She wanted to scream because it looked like their almost-kiss didn't affect him.

"Alyssa, I'm glad you're feeling better! But I did warn you about getting too exhausted, and ending up sick. I wish you would have paid better attention to your body. I hate when my teachers get sick," Mr. Hodgkin greeted her.

"Yes, sir. But I guess my body had other plans," she laughed. She was glad for the believable excuse the little man had unknowingly provided to her to explain her absence the day before.

"Well I'm glad you're back, but if you need to take a few extra days, please, go ahead. I can find another sub for your classes. We don't any of the students catching sick too."

"Oh, no. I'm fine. Really. I think it was just one of those twenty-four bugs," she quickly declined his offer.

"Ok, well, let me know if you need to take me up on it," he said before shuffling of into his office.

"Ok, I will," she called out before the door shut.

Turning back to Janice, she made plans to meet for lunch. She could still feel Declan's eyes watching her. Glancing his way before leaving the office, she thought, "Follow me,"towards him, knowing he would receive the message.

Walking down the hall to her classroom, she waited for him to enter before closing and locking the door.

"What just happened back there?" she asked him, not turning around to face him.

Declan knew she was talking about the bond that had formed between them as they locked gazes. "It was our souls recognizing and accepting the bond between us," he explained to her. "It means that we are connected to each other now. Does that bother you?"

"No, I was just wondering what happened," she answered him truthfully when she heard the hurt sweeping into his voice at the thought she might reject him.

Turning to face him, she looked deep into his eyes, trying to see if he had any doubts.

"What about you? Are you ok with it?" she asked hesitantly. She didn't know what she would do if he didn't want to be bonded to her.

Hearing the hope in her voice, Declan couldn't hold back anymore. He grabbed her, pulling her into his warm embrace, and placed his head on top of hers

"Oh, Alyssa," he nearly moaned at the feel of her finally in his arms. Little jolts of electricity flowed into his body where they touched. He wondered if she felt them as well. "I have wanted nothing more since the dreams started. I was worried how you would take it."

"I don't know why, Declan, but this just feels right. I don't think I'd be able to fight this thing- this bond- even if I wanted to. But i don't want to. I want this. I've never wanted anything so much in my life," she confessed to him, laying herself bare as she snuggled in his arms.

Unable to stop herself, she gazed up and lost herself in his beautiful eyes once again. Alyssa reached up and placed her hand along his cheek while using the other one too being his head down to her.

Declan could feel her minty breath gaming across his lips. Lowering his head a fraction more, he closed his eyes, anticipating the feel of her lips on his.

Just as they were a hairs breadth away from touching, the bell rang signaling the start of the school day, and Alyssa jumped back, afraid a student would catch them.

'Dammit! So close!' they both thought.

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