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Right when I lay her down cops pull up.
Their first thread is Amelia's father.

I lay my hand on her cheek as I feel myself shaking.
I now get to hold her, yet I feel even further from her.

Blood slowly stains her shirt where she got shot.
Close to her heart.

Her body twitches in my arms as she whimpers.
She's not breathing besides a shallow breath everyone once in a while.

I feel my eyes tear up as I look at her pale white face.

'Stay with me, okay? You'll be fine.' I tell her.
'I-' her grip on my arm tightens as she seems in pain. 'told you....' she takes a second, closing her eyes before looking up at me again. 'It would ha- have been better......' I shake my head as a tear slips out of her eyes. 'Don't leave me behind. Not again. I.... I love you.'

I've never said those words before.
But if it gives her more to hold onto,
More to fight on,
I'll say it a thousand time.

'Cause I do.

She flinches 'I-' Her eyes roll back but they come back to me soon after. A paramedic kneels down, injecting something in her arm. '...With y-' the first part comes out empty and not audible. The last part stays unspoken as her eyes try to roll back again.


I know that voice.

Her uncle kneels down next to me.
He is pale with shock. the driver of the ambulance.
Amelia reaches out to the only family close by.
The one that was more of a father to her then her actual father ever was.
He takes her hand.

'One, two, three.' She gets hoisted onto a gurney, the shock of pain on She is in too obvious..
That is when my fear starts to build up.

I catch a glimpse of her before she gets up inside the ambulance.
Her uncle walks up to me.

'She's not going to make it.'

I stare at him.
She has to.
I won't be able to deal with her leaving again.

I need her.

'Please tell me that's not true.' I say. The paramedic yells from the ambulance. 'Her heart stopped, we have to go.' Dennis walks off. 'No wait!' I go after him but the ambulance drives off.

'No please!' I beg to the now empty street.

Finding myself at the hospital, I sit at her bed as the doctor comes up to me.
'Please.' I say as I stand up. 'Sorry, but she's been dead for an hours, you should go home.' The doctor says coldly. 'What?' I ask. I look at her, pale skin, dark circles, open gunshot wound.

Blood is seeping out. 'Do something.' I say as the doctor calmly watches. 'She's dead Clay.' He says again. 'No please.' I say as I try to stop the bleeding myself. The rhythmic beating of her heartbeat gets out of its rhythm. 'She's alive! Do something.' I yell in desperation. The blood comes through the cloth I'm pushing down. My hands getting soaked. 'Please!' I beg as I tear up.

I get pulled back so I can't stop the bleeding anymore.
'No! Please! Let me do something! Let me help!' I beg as I cry.

'she's dead because of you, Clay.'

The doctor pulls a pistol out of his pocket.
He points it at her.

'No please!'

The bang fills the room.

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