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I lay awake, staring at the ceiling.
When I look next to me, Clay is sound asleep.
I can't. Not while waiting for another call.

Hours slowly pass by,
My eyes growing heavier, but not drifting off to sleep.

It's not until four am, that my phone rings.

Kim's voice cracking and sobbing instantly reaches my ear as I answer the call.
'Kim, what's going on?'
Clay stirs awake.

'They say she's dying, Amelia. They said- she-'
Kim hicks out the words as I hear Micheal trying to calm her.
'Take a deep breath, maybe let Micheal explain?'

I'm in tears at the sound of my sisters broken voice.
'Hey Aims.'

There's a sort silence.
'Your moms been doing worse, and they said she won't have more then a couple of months. They can't do much else for her.'

I put my hand over my mouth as I close my eyes.
'She'll live without pain. And she'll still be able to walk for a while.'

'Take care of my sister. Please.... I-I'll be coming over as soon as I can.'
'Alright. I'll tell her that. If you need me I'm a call away, alright?'
'Yes. Thank you.'
'Alright. See you soon.'

I hang up, and that's when the first tear slips away.
'Was that Kim?' Clay moves it sit in front of me.
His big hands cup my cheeks and he wipes the tears.
'She's going to die, Clay.'

Clay freezes for a second.
'Just... just a couple of months.'

Clay lets out a breath.
'Want to get tickets?'
I nod.

He moves to the edge of the bed to get out, but I grab his arm.
'I'm scared.'

He moves back closer to me and pulls me to him.
Pressed against his chest and wrapped in his arms.

He has nothing to say to my words,
And I understand that.

Everything at once.

There will always be consequences scattered in the brims of existence.

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