Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"You need to go home and rest." An unfamiliar voice instructed.

"I'm not leaving her." A very familiar voice replied firmly.

I suddenly felt pressure on my hand and realized that someone was holding it.

I heard someone sigh and exit the room, and I took that as my cue to open my eyes.

"It burns." I groaned as bright white light attacked my eyes.

"Sweetheart!" Damon exclaimed, squeezing my hand.

"Damon." I replied, smiling softly as I looked over at him.

"Thank God." He breathed, relief washing over his face.

I tried to sit up to pull him into a hug but my body ached in protest.

Damon gently pushed me back into a laying position, "Take it easy."

That was when everything came crashing back to me.

Everything that happened with David was real. It wasn't a nightmare this time, the fact that I was in a hospital bed told me that much.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"Dave and I used to go there all the time when we were younger." Damon explained quietly.

I looked up at him and saw the sadness on his face as he looked at our intertwined hands.

Even though his cousin was an awful person, he was still family. It had to hurt so much to lose someone you were close to, the way Damon lost David.

"I'm so sorry." I felt the need to apologize. If I had never met David he might still be sane and alive.

"For what? None of this is your fault." Damon snapped, but his gaze softened when he saw me flinch at his harsh tone.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. You don't deserve any of this." He whispered, caressing my cheek sweetly.

"How did you know it was him?" I suddenly asked as the question struck me. How did Damon know my ex was his cousin?

"After everything at school happened, I figured out how Garrett's secret got out and decided to tell you. So I went to your house but you weren't there. I was in your room when a letter caught my eye and I read it. Dave's name was on it and when I read what he sent you I knew he was the one that hurt you." He explained.

"Thank God you're nosey." I joked weakly.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"So how did Garrett's secret get out?" I asked after a moment of silence.

Damon's hand that wasn't holding mine clenched into a fist as he replied "Candy overheard when you told me, and decided to spread it around."

I felt a pang, or more like a sucker punch, of guilt in my stomach. Of course Candy would be the one responsible for such a horrible thing.

"I'm so sorry for blaming you. I had no right and I was cruel and I sh-" My apology rant was cut off by Damon pressing his lips to mine. It was just a peck but it certainly shut me up.

"You are forgiven." He said, and smiled down at me.

- - - - - -

I'd been in the hospital for a week now and I was getting stir-crazy. 

Just because I had a concussion, a few broken ribs, and bruises covering a good chunk of my body, doesn't mean they should keep me from going home. I wasn't dying. They could use my room for someone who needed it more.

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