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*Five years later*

I rushed around the kitchen, making sure I had everything I needed for the birthday party.

Paper plates - Check.

Pizza - Check.

Cake - Check.

Present - Crap.

Where the hell did I put it? Now was not the time to be misplacing presents!

The last time I saw it, it was in my closet hiding. I didn't think I ever took it out so hopefully it was still there.

I took everything out to the dining room and set the table, then made my way up to my room to get the present.

I held my breath in anticipation as I opened my closet door, hoping to find it but preparing myself for the worst. If I couldn't find the gift here I didn't know where it could possibly be. 

Please let it be here.

A box wrapped in bright red paper caught my eyes right away and I let out a sigh of relief. My memory didn't fail me this time. 

I grabbed it and quickly went back downstairs to put it with all the others. I was finally finished setting everything up. I could finally take a second to relax. 

"Hey sweetheart." A voice whispered in my ear and wrapped their arms around me from behind.

I squeaked in surprise, but quickly relaxed into the person's arms.

"Hey Dam Dam." I greeted, spinning around to face my husband.

I grinned cheekily at the playful scowl on his face. He pretended to hate the nickname but I could tell he secretly loved it.  

"Everything's ready for the party now. The food's out, the table's set, the candles on the cake are rea-" I was cut off by Damon's lips being pressed gently against mine.

"Everything's perfect, you don't need to worry. It's bad for the baby." He replied after pulling away, reaching down to rub my belly, which looked ready to pop. I was due to have the baby any day now.

Before I could reply, a bunch of eight year old kids came storming in through the back door, all chanting 'pizza'.

I laughed and walked out of Damon's arms so I could tend to the army of children.

As I was serving out the food the doorbell rang, so I handed over my job to Damon to answer the door. I already knew who it was and I was practically bursting with excitement.

"Garrett!" I exclaimed as I swung open the door, immediately pulling him in for a hug.

I moved away after high school so we only got to see each other a few times a year. I missed my best friend all the time but I needed to leave the town I went through so much in. 

"Hey preggo." He laughed, eyeing my huge stomach.

"And who is this?" I asked when I spotted a very handsome man slightly behind Garrett.

"This is my boyfriend Trevor." He replied, taking Trevor's hand and pulling him in the house after him.

I smiled at the couple, the way they looked at each other was so precious. I was happy he found someone special. 

"So where's the birthday girl?" Garrett asked as he looked around.

"She's in the dining room with her friends." I told him, and together we walked back to where all the chaos was taking place.

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